With the message ‘Welcome to the new world’ Eneco is transforming from an energy supplier that supplies electricity and gas to Dutch households to a sustainable service provider. Dept was already involved in the development and maintenance of the Eneco app and this collaboration has now been extended to the development of the strategy, concept and design of Eneco.nl.
Based on interviews, research and data, a broad team of Dept specialists worked closely with people from Eneco to renew the highly outdated Eneco website. In doing so, they focused on service, sales and sustainability. The guiding principle was that visitors of the website experience and feel the new world through user experience, and not just through words.
The new environment has been designed with the emphasis on ‘mobile first design’, with a great deal of attention being devoted to the digital translation of the ‘pop style’ elements that characterize the Eneco brand.
Eneco has a step-by-step approach when it comes to helping its (potential) customers to make their lives more sustainable. We decided to give shape to this by placing a 3D house on Eneco.nl. This model gives people clear ideas on how to become more sustainable, be it by placing solar panels or installing a Toon thermostat. The 3D house offers people an alternative, dynamic way to navigate Eneco’s products and services, including the new WarmteWinner and Ketelcomfort.
The challenge was to make the message and promise of the New World tangible. Conceptually, people don’t just become Eneco’s client, they become a member. And that is something to celebrate. We wanted to load Eneco’s new world with a character that ties in with a form of positive activism. We extended that feeling throughout the appearance of the entire website. The new style has a wide range of assets and colours, the richness of which defines a flexible brand that is equipped to answer the questions of our time.
- 850,000 users per month.
- 5,000,000 pageviews per month.
- An average session duration of 02:46 minutes.
- Increased rating of the website after going live of the new eneco.nl: from a score of 2.4 to a score of 3.2, consisting of a total score of 5.