
Living with Uncertainty

Production Agency
London, United Kingdom
Award-winning film raising awareness of peanut allergies for the Anaphylaxic Campaign
About Watchable

Affordable Strategic Video

That’s why, according to WARC, 58% of marketers plan to increase the proportion of their budgets spent on video this year. And a third will do so by at least 50%.

Over 1 billion people a day now look at video on Facebook, 6 billion hours of video is watched on YouTube every month, and Snapchat now gets over 10 billion daily video views. The most engaging content on Instagram and Twitter is video.

And while clickthrough rates for banner ads plummet, video delivers ROI. For example, 41% of US viewers reported having a more favorable view of a brand after watching a video ad, while 40% report that they are more likely to buy a product or service (source: Unruly).

More immersive than a still image, more persuasive than text and more stimulating than the spoken word, video has a unique power to connect on an emotional level with great speed and scale through the social web.

According to Cisco, 80 per cent of all internet traffic will be video by 2019.

Why Video?

And we explore every possible production route before settling on the most cost efficient way of delivering maximum value.

So, well before the cameras roll, we make sure that our creative is in complete alignment with a brand’s strategy.

The dramatic growth of branded video content continues at a breathtaking rate. But unless it is strategically sound and cost effective, it cannot deliver maximum ROI.

Watchable makes affordable, strategic video for brands and agencies.

Watchable makes affordable, strategic video for brands and agencies.

Who We Are

Theo Delaney

Theo Delaney is an award-winning film director and content creator. He has made ads and digital content all over the world for numerous agencies, brands and organisations.

As well as countless premium TV commercials Theo has devised and executed a range of digital content across web and mobile platforms for clients like O2, The Football Association, Penguin, Tottenham Hotspur, Betfair and Coca Cola.

He has won awards at The Cannes International Festival, D&AD, the British Television Advertising Awards, the Sports Business awards and Creative Circle among numerous others.

He began his career as a journalist writing for publications like FHM, The Guardian, Campaign and Creative Review. He is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, a variety of football podcasts and TV shows and is an occasional radio DJ.

Danny Fleet

Danny Fleet is a highly experienced producer who has made all kinds of commercials and video content with most of the major advertising agencies in the UK as well as many more in Europe and North America. Among the countless brands he has worked with are Coca Cola, Budweiser, Google, Virgin Media, Fiat, Samsung and Adidas.

As founding partner and MD of commercials production house Hotspur & Argyle, he pioneered the development of filmed content for the web and has produced some of the most successful viral campaigns of the last ten years for clients such as the Everyman cancer charity, Nike, Burger King and Adidas. He has also produced mobile programmes for O2 and 3 Mobile.

Danny has sat on the Internet Advertising Bureau video council and the Advertising Producers Association council. He is also an influential video blogger on green motoring.

Greg Delaney

Greg Delaney is a Creative Director and Strategist with a long and successful career in advertising. As well as founding, building and selling three ad agencies, he has won numerous prizes in every major award show in the world.

He has made an enormous number of films working with hundreds of major brands and organisations from General Motors to the UK Government. Prior to setting up Watchable he was the Global Chief Creative Officer on Unilever at DLKW Lowe.

A well known communications consultant, investor and mentor, he has always believed in the power of creativity to make good things happen. Greg is currently also a Non Executive Director of Triggerbuzz, a Trustee of The Yard Theatre and a member of the Brand Republic Convergence Panel.