
The Biggest Small Beer Ever Made

Advertising Agency
Boulder, United States
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
While the craft beer movement in America has reached new heights (making up 12% of all beer purchases) big beer has grown more powerful and consolidated than ever. Their multibillion dollar mergers and acquisitions have grabbed headlines and dominated the conversation in the beer world. And despite their claim to being truly American, nothing could be further from the truth. They’ve become international, corporate conglomerations often based outside the States. That's why the Brewer's Association of America turned to us to help put the spotlight on craft beer--the true symbol of American idealism, ingenuity and entrepreneurship--to combat big beer. So we decided to steal a page from their playbook and create a merger of our own, announcing to the world that 4,490 craft breweries across the country would undergo a major merger in a nation-wide act of solidarity and support for craft beer. Not shareholder value. The first order of business for this massive new brewery? Brew a beer showing America just how big small beer has gotten. We called it the Biggest Small Beer Ever and launched it during craft beer's biggest week--American Craft Beer Week. The beer was brewed by breweries in all 50 states and based on a common recipe. During the special week, we organized a nationwide toast at every brewery who carried the beer in honor and celebration of craft beer's importance to the culture. To immortalize the massive merger, we designed cans that featured the names of all 4,490 craft breweries across 6 different cans and made the 6-packs available at breweries and liquor stores across the country. The can served as a beacon of unity and a reminder of what it means to be truly American. We used social media to drive awareness about the beer in anticipation of American Craft Beer Week.
About Victors and Spoils

WE ARE AN AD AGENCY. BUT WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING. We are creative. We are seasoned. We are products of some of the best agencies in the world. And we’re smart. Smart enough to know that we don’t know it all. Fortunately, there’s a little something called “the rest of the planet.” It’s made up of billions of bright and inspired individuals who know things we might not. So we tap into them. A lot. Pretty smart, eh?  

WE BELIEVE LUNCH LADIES CAN SERVE UP MORE THAN SALISBURY STEAK. Copywriters and Art Directors are great. And we have some of the best. But their expertise only goes so far. So whether it’s a traffic cop, a flight attendant, a farmer, or a lunchroom lieutenant who knows the best way to cook up a side of navy beans, we bring people from outside our walls into the advertising process. Because when you combine their expertise with ours, good advertising suddenly becomes great advertising.

YOUR FANS. OUR WING MAN. Your fans will enter the conversation around your advertising whether you like it or not. We simply try to start that conversation around sketches and half-ideas rather than once the finished product is out in the world. Scary? Maybe. Helpful? Monumentally. So while our internal team bangs away at your brief, we like to lean on the people who truly heart your brand for validation, inspiration and insight into your world.

DO WE REALLY BELIEVE IN ALL THIS KUMBAYA STUFF? You can bet your bongos on it. The world is full of inspired people. Digital communication and social media allow us to connect with them in ways we couldn’t before, and we believe we are stronger and smarter with those people on our team. So whether we collaborate with other agencies, lunch ladies, existing communities or with ad pros, we will continue to expose aspects of every project to people outside of these four sun-soaked Colorado walls. Now say it with us. Kum-ba-ya.