Pokemon have been spotted at McDonald’s for their new global Happy Meal campaign.
Hornet Director Yves Geleyn’s deft worldbuilding skills honor the creative essence of Pokemon in an all-new style. We designed a new look that is nostalgic yet fresh and completely unique to the brand collaboration. It combines legacy media at the heart of the Pokemon brand- including manga, retro video games, and trading cards- with a modern, graphic sensibility and characters designed by Hornet Director Renaud Lavency. Everything from the buses to the bikers is a blend of our 2D, CG and VFX teams bringing their own special magic.
Since a global campaign needs a global environment, the cityscape was influenced by architecture from around the world. The use of minimal yet influential detail gives perceptible character without situating any scene too specifically.
Take a whirl around town and discover a new world for Pokemon and McDonald’s.