
Xbox - Xbox Lifestyle Photography

Creative Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Production Service

We undertook an inspiring lifestyle photography project for Xbox, with the goal of capturing genuine, relatable moments that resonate with real people across the EMEA region. Straying from the overly polished look of typical stock photography, our images reflect the true essence of everyday life and the diverse community of Xbox users.

Our approach focused on authenticity, showcasing real individuals in real settings, immersed in their gaming experiences. This project not only highlights the vibrant and inclusive nature of the Xbox community but also reinforces the brand’s commitment to connecting with its audience on a more personal and genuine level.

About Miai Brand Partnerships

We create brand love affairs.

We create love stories between consumer brands, helping them find creative and credible ways to grow their brand awareness with new audiences.

It’s all about bringing the right two brands together and tapping into the chemistry between them to create innovative campaigns where both sides benefit equally from working in partnership together to reach new audiences.

Our job is to make the introduction, break the ice and help you to get to know the brand you’d like to work with. We love getting to the heart of what makes you tick and finding new and exciting ways for you to share your story through credible brand partnerships that reach and excite new customers and motivate them to buy from you.

We got game.

As well as consumer brand knowledge and expertise, we have a strong background in video gaming.  Whether you’re a video games business looking to partner with a consumer  brand or whether you’re a consumer brand with a vision for developing an impactful gaming strategy, we’ve got you.