Campaign Summary:
We’re the first generation that knows we’re destroying the world and the last that can do anything about it. As the world’s leading independent conservation organisation, WWF-UK has a very real objective to set the agenda on environmental issues and drive real change, fast. Understanding that people needed and wanted guidance on making a difference, WWF-UK partnered with Rufus Leonard and Pocket App to develop My Footprint – a challenge-based app to engage supporters and non-supporters through tangible action and social sharing.
Engagement has been high since launch, with 126,100 downloads. More than 126,000 challenges have been completed to date – an encouraging indication of change. My Footprint revolves around the concept of challenges that inspire users to make micro behavioural changes. Co-creation has been an important pillar for success – ensuring the app is inclusive, accessible and relevant to the times of living. ‘Test and learn’ was mindfully baked into our design process. Challenge concepts are responsive to user feedback, to maintain and grow engagement. Following feedback (via usage data and the in-app feedback function), challenges are optimised to reflect entry-level behavioural change and longer-term commitment.
The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was fast to market and a second release followed swiftly after, in June 2021. High levels of engagement since, strongly indicate My Footprint is achieving its goals and building momentum to bend the 2030 climate curve.