Campaign Summary:
Q: What does an Olympic athlete & car insurance have in common?
Leading up to 2012, Team GB made changes that drove minimal growth individually but combined to drive huge performance improvements. Eg, cycling teams removing their wedding rings to reduce drag and increase aerodynamics. We executed a similar strategy for Aviva Irl on Paid Search. Generic ‘Car Insurance’ keywords are extremely competitive, but we hypothesized that if we made enough small improvements of 1% each, they would combine to drive strong results. Once we executed the first part of Team GB’s plan, our next step was to focus on improving generic PPC by 1% increments.
A: The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.
Many verticals reaped benefits from the acceleration to eComm over the last 18 mths. However, this was not the case for car insurance.
Post-pandemic with fewer people driving & switching insurers, generic query volume was down 11% for 2021.
70% of generic car insurance searches are across just 2 keywords – “car insurance” and “car insurance Ireland”
15+ advertisers compete on key generic queries, driving CPC inflation each year.
Brand keywords were our top converters. Up to 10 competitors bidding on Aviva terms looking to steal our potential customers.
We overcame these challenges, but it was tough. By switching off brand search, freeing up budget to re-invest into the valuable Generic keywords, we managed to drive great results.
- Core