
Ben & Jerrys - Cookie Dough

Ben & Jerrys
São Paulo, Brazil
Agency / Creative
Production Service

Customer: Ben & Jerrys
Agency: Live
Producing: 3Dar
Co-Producing: Factory

About Factory Animation

Awarded Animation Creative Studio from Brazil.

Authentic, bold, creative, craft, fluid, human, intuitive and soft as we are.

Passionate about art, beauty and movement alongside production intelligence, creativity and intuition, Factory believes that all great animations start with great illustration and human values.

In just a few years, some of our animations have already won awards at festivals such as Cannes and CC, among others.

The way that we work is based on human values, where we are always putting a lot of energy in creating relashioships based in respect, harmoy and empathy with all collaborators and customers.

Our animations reflect Factory’s full diversity and the unique way we do it is our trademark. Diversity, authenticity and efficiency are our appeal, our contribution to the world.

Factory is multifaceted and works with different techniques and styles, such as 3D, realistic or cartoon, 2D motion, or frame by frame, stop motion. We create in a wide range of animation styles, but our flagship is undeniably character creation and animation

We came into the entertainment world with series, music videos, short and feature animation films, among others and has become a consolidated brand in the advertising market both in Brazil and abroad.

Style, craft, personality, authenticity, harmony and fluid & soft workflow are qualities that drive those who are looking after working with Factory ;)