
When at the Euro 12

Production Services
Buenos Aires, Argentina
About Vagabond

The company was started in 1999 in New York by Swiss born Lorenzo Benedick to establish a full service and facility infrastructure for production companies shooting in the US.

In 2002, Uruguayan born Gabriel Carratu joined as a partner and established offices in Latin America covering Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.

In 2009 the Swiss office was officially established.

The company offers accurate scheduling and budgeting services, as well as comprehensive booking of locations, local crews, facilities and equipment. Benedick and Carratu will oversee and personally ensure the success of your production.

Over the years we have worked with the most important clients and production companies around the world, having produced many award-winning commercials, content, features, documentaries and music videos.

Our offices in the 3 continents allow us to cover all kinds of landscapes in locations that can mirror practically any place in the world.

Lorenzo Benedick

Lorenzo has spent his entire life producing television commercials all over South America , US and Europe which gives him a fantastic visual knowledge of locations on these 3 continents. He has worked with all the premier directors and production houses in the commercial industry. He currently divides his time between Geneva, New York and Rio de Janeiro.

Gabriel Carratu

Gabriel has spent 20 years working as an assistant director and producer all over South America and in New York. He knows the television commercials process inside and out and he loves the set. He currently divides his time between Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.