Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

Women in Music We Love

Music & Sound
London, UK
In celebration of International Women's Day, Pitch & Sync highlight some of the new female rising stars shaping today’s music scene

Here at Pitch & Sync we champion artists of every gender, sex, race, religion and class. To us there is only one thing that matters: how they sound. That being said, on a day like today, it is important for us to join the conversation. 

2018 is a year that signals real change. In the lead up we have seen the action around women’s rights really gather momentum. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements that started in Hollywood have rippled the world over and women’s voices are being heard louder than ever. What began as hashtags are now conversations being broadcast on the world stage - exposing harassment, sexual abuse, the gender pay gap, repressive laws and power structures. Beyond those conversations people are fighting for lasting change through action. The floodgates have opened and we are thrilled about it.

This year’s Brits was a success for women in music, with Dua Lipa scooping British Breakthrough Act and Jorja Smith winning the Critic’s Choice award. But what we’re really excited about are the female artists coming up through the musical ranks.

What strikes us is most is their authenticity. They are ambitious, honest and individual, and they are supportive of their peers through and through. It’s this togetherness, inclusivity and fight for representation that is most refreshing. So who should you be listening out for?

In the DJ scene we are lusting over South Korean DJ Peggy Gou for her distinct percussive abstract compositions inspired by African World music. Then there is American born Tune-Yards fronted by Merrill Garbus who draws inspiration from Caribbean and African rhythms, melded with Disco and House.

It’s impossible to ignore the women coming up in the new London Jazz scene. It isn’t Jazz as we know it - it’s fresh and it’s hybrid. Nubya Garcia is a sax wielding member of all female septet Nerija who are bringing a more traditional Jazz sound to a new generation, whilst South East London singer Poppy Ajudha fuses Jazz vocals with lush cinematic production. Add to that artists like 21 year old Manchester artist IAMDDB who melds Jazz, R’n’B and Trap and you’ve got yourself a new form of experimentation and expression. We’re feeling it.

Elsewhere, we’ve always had a real connection to Berlin - a city that rich in talent is like a magnet to us. Last year we launched our first Pitch & Studio studio there and have since been able to delve deep into the scene with our ears to the ground. 

We are in awe of Hamburg’s Helena Hauff. She uses strictly analogue equipment to produce her techno and electro tracks and she tears it up live. On the other end of the scale you have all girl band Gurr leading the indie scene and German-Ghananian 90s inspired Ace Tee introducing trap beats to smooth R’n’B.

Also, to put our money where our mouth is, one of our most recent female lead call to action’s came in the shape of supporting BBDO Germany’s Regielounge after-party and the launch party of FREE THE BID in Germany (championed by German Ambassador Director Elisha Smith-Leverock). FREE THE BID is a non-profit initiative advocating on behalf of women directors for equal opportunities to bid on commercial jobs in the global advertising industry. We called in one of our favourite Berlin locals, DJ Meggy, to lead the night as some of the most inspiring and creative women of the industry joined together to support the movement. 

The stream of talented female artist is endless right now, and that’s what makes our job here so enthralling. Here we have our Pitch & Sync playlist of the women we’re loving right now. Don’t say we’re not good to you!

Pitch & Sync is an international agency made up of women and men. The opinion of each and every member of our team is as important and valid as the next, and we believe that is something that should be a given in any workplace, social group or community. But today we celebrate all female artists, composers, DJ’s and performers.  

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O2 'Priority'