Thought Leaders in association withPartners in Crime

Why a Global Mindset Is Indispensable in Today’s Interconnected Reality

Creative Agency
New York, USA
Code and Theory global CTO Raj Bhatia shares how to create a resilient organization, why leaders should focus on the future of work

What should clients be focusing the most on right now?

The future is now, and the fundamental shift is integrating tech with a genuine human touch. Customers want speed and efficiency but also meaningful connections. True innovation lies in this balance.

Data is the foundation of successful AI. It’s what makes us an intelligent organisation — understanding customer behaviour as second nature. To achieve this, AI-driven experience engines must focus on granular details to craft memorable interactions. Having the correct data in place is crucial.

AI won’t replace humans, but humans with AI will outpace those without it. Focus on the future of work, and everything else — product innovation, market engagement — will follow. Balancing efficiency with empathy will define the leaders in our digital world.

What is unique about having a culture that balances 50% engineers and 50% creatives?

Code and Theory’s 50/50 balance of engineers is unique as it seamlessly merges technical expertise with creative innovation, allowing us to deliver precise, technologically forward solutions while ensuring they are engaging and user-centric. Our engineers provide the backbone of technical excellence, while our creatives push boundaries with compelling designs and user experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning and IoT, we constantly explore new possibilities and create innovative solutions that captivate users.

This unique synergy helps us solve complex problems and lead digital transformations. By combining technical strength with creative vision, we ensure our solutions are not only efficient but also emotionally resonant. At Code and Theory, we’re at the forefront of innovation, driving success for our clients in a rapidly changing digital world.

What’s the best way to keep staff motivated and working at a high level?

Among staff, focus on three key areas: trust, empowerment and recognition.

First, trust your people — that’s table stakes. Trust builds the foundation for a secure, productive work environment. Without it, employees can’t perform at their best.

Second, empower your team to make decisions. Make sure they hold the cards. Allow them to fail, fail fast and fail cheaply. This is something I learned from my leaders while at GE: Empowerment fosters ownership and innovation.

Finally, recognition is crucial. A leader’s job is to give credit, not take it. Recognizing and appreciating individual contributions strengthens team connections and drives overall productivity.

By focusing on trust, empowerment and recognition, you create a resilient organisation where everyone feels valued and committed to excellence.

Why is a global mindset important to have in 2024?

Respecting each other is fundamental. A global mindset is an extension of that respect — it’s about embracing and understanding diverse perspectives. This mindset is crucial for fostering ideas that positively impact all environments. Without it, how can we hope to innovate and thrive in an interconnected world?

While a global mindset’s importance has always been evident, our increasingly interconnected world amplifies its significance. Cultural boundaries are thinning as technology and AI brings us closer together, creating a unique melding of cultures. At Code and Theory, our approach to localization and personalization starts with this global mindset. Valuing diverse perspectives allows us to create solutions that resonate individually while remaining globally relevant. A global mindset is indispensable for innovation and progress in today’s interconnected reality.

What’s your biggest source of inspiration?

My biggest source of inspiration comes from wabi-sabi, which teaches the appreciation of imperfection and the transient nature of life. This philosophy influences how I navigate personal and professional challenges.

Professionally, I draw inspiration from the exceptional leaders and colleagues I’ve worked with at GE, Moody’s, Deloitte and now at Code and Theory. Their unique styles and decision-making processes have profoundly shaped my approach to leadership and problem-solving.

On a personal level, the women in my life inspire me deeply. My wife exemplifies tenacity and grit, balancing my high energy and grounding me in resilience. My mother’s perseverance through difficult times taught me the importance of persistence, and my daughter’s curiosity encourages me to remain inquisitive and open to new ideas.

What’s the most exciting project you’ve worked on?

I have had the fortune of working on transformative initiatives at GE, Moody’s and Deloitte, where I gained deep, meaningful experience across financial services, healthcare and hospitality. The global nature of my work, embracing diverse cultures and perspectives, has shaped how I approach challenges today. At Code and Theory, I bring all these experiences together — whether it’s operationalizing future delivery, elevating excellence, delivering impact for our clients or standing up new businesses. It’s not about one single project but the breadth of opportunities that have allowed me to impact so many diverse areas, making this journey truly remarkable.

What is the one thing you’d tell your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to slow down and embrace the essence of Vipassana — observe life with equanimity and let things unfold naturally. Strategic decisions, much like personal growth, require patience and reflection. Rushing can lead to missed opportunities and shallow outcomes. By taking the time to observe, reflect and allow strategies to develop naturally, you can make more informed, impactful decisions that align with long-term goals.

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