Creative in association withGear Seven

What's In Store for 2019?

Advertising Agency
Folkestone, United Kingdom
The team at Realia Marketing dig into some top trends and predictions for the coming year

With December now upon us and - dare we say it - Christmas just around the corner, it has got us Realians thinking about what’s to come in 2019. This year, we’ve seen new marketing trends and approaches come and go, including the rise of micro-influencers, the increase in video content and chatbots coming to life. As digital is everywhere nowadays and is currently taking over the industry, we decided to talk to different members of our team and see how digital is going to progress some of our marketing services in 2019. Take a look at what we had to say!

A PR perspective

Olivia, Senior PR Account Manager

Some see a big difference between traditional PR and digital PR, but now we really see it merging into one as we progress further into a technology-driven world. In 2019, I think we are going to see much more collaborative content between businesses and fellow industry peers. As many share similar target audiences, industry professionals are starting to see the opportunities and the benefits of collaborating to create content that can be easily engaged with across multiple channels. As for social media marketing, I think that influencers will continue to rule the roost!

Interactive experience as part of the marketing mix 

Marianna & Steph, Marcomms Account Team

Marketers are forced to reach for new tactics to engage their current or potential customers and stand out amongst the competitors. Making their products and services more tangible through interactive experience such as 360° camera views, VR, AR etc. is becoming increasingly popular. This is no longer a futuristic concept and it is already more accessible and affordable to a wider audience. Therefore in 2019, we are expecting to see new forms of interactive storytelling through new immersive technology and augmented reality devices.

The gif that keeps on giving… 

Tom Homewood, Art Director

As we head into a modern 2019, I can see the creative world taking a step back into the '80s era. Vivid colours, geometric shapes and bold patterns… it’ll all be coming back around! We’ve also seen the growth in animation and gifs on social media in 2018, and I think this will continue to surge in 2019 for both web design and social use.

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