Vintage Dog Ranch is launching a series of retro-inspired posters. Created by independent agency Terri & Sandy, this delightfully macabre series, called 'Happy Dog, Happy Life', marries the classic look of 1960s longform copy ads with the insight that dog lovers' moods are deeply connected to those of their dogs’. Designed to spread the word about Vintage’s doggy daycare, boarding, and spa services to its Sonoma, CA, audience, the posters take that insight to its logical (or hilariously illogical) extreme.
Creative director Todd Condie says: “We’re so happy that Vintage gave us room to run, so to speak. It’s not every day that a client lets you speak with such an irreverent voice.”
These retro ads were born from the name of the brand itself, Vintage Dog Ranch.
Terri & Sandy's creative teams really dove into 'vintage' ad formats. The creatives were particularly nostalgic for the golden age of long-form copy ads. While out of fashion in the current ad world, the long copy style gave us room to write highly engaging stories to engage the reader’s attention. Furthermore, the era’s high-contrast black-and-white imagery also helped inspire the campaign’s dark humor.