Young people don’t speak with each other about the need for protection. But Durex has found a way to make it sexy for young people. In a recent web series created by Havas Life Moscow, students from different countries play the game ‘Truth or Dare’ without any guidance from the brand and reveal their true thoughts about it.
‘Truth’ cards sparked the conversation and the ‘Dare’ ones kept it very sexy. Durex shot four groups of students. None of them knew about the questions they had to answer and dares they had to make. That’s why they were curious and honest from the first minute.
Four absolutely real, sexy, but at the same time serious, games become a base for a big social campaign, resulting in eight cool episodes about most important topics around safe sex: withdrawal, STIs, pregnancy, HIV, etc. and a bunch of provocative GIFs with real facts about sex risks, interviews with participants and real cards to download. Durex also used the modern format of 360 video to give every viewer a chance to participate in the game itself.
The campaign was launched in UK, France, Italy and other European markets. The project helped Durex find out how to show that safe is sexy.