After all the hard work getting your commercial produced and client approved, you’re finally ready to distribute your spot to the broadcast station/s. Your media campaign is complete, and station sales orders are in place for committed airdates. You just now need to complete and submit traffic instructions.
Broadcasters are required to ensure that each commercial airs’ in the time slot purchased by the customer. The sales order alone doesn’t provide all the necessary details, so corresponding traffic instructions offer essential information to complete the process. Traffic also allows for a 'checks and balance,' verifying correct ISCI’s, spot rotation, and start/end dates noted in the sales order.
Additionally, any immediate changes to existing spots already in rotation at stations are updated via traffic instructions. When needing to make a change during a spot’s air-time schedule, this step is crucial, as extenuating circumstances often dictate it, and spots must be pulled immediately.
That’s why Yangaroo offers two delivery services, so you may deliver traffic instructions with your spot delivery, or independently. It merely depends on the circumstances in which you choose.
To assist you further, we always make sure every traffic instructions delivery receives full-service. We understand the importance of getting the correct traffic instructions to the right destinations. It also means that we navigate between our advertising clients and the traffic departments at TV and radio stations with the urgency critical to ensure successful campaigns.
We take traffic instructions, delivery, and confirmations seriously. We have a dedicated team in place, regularly updating our database with the correct contact details at every station. Your traffic instructions are delivered via our platform to the right teams and the right station staff, backed by our Traffic Confirmation Report (TCR) for you when everything is completed.
Whether you have traffic with spot delivery, sending traffic only, or need help creating traffic instructions, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get your traffic instructions delivered!