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See It, Be It 2024: Stephanie Rumierk Briceño

London, UK
The co-founder of Colectiva Columbia and associate creative director at TBWA\Colombia talks about the women who have inspired her and shaped her career
Stephanie Rumierk Briceño, an associate creative director at TBWA\Colombia, is making waves in the advertising world. As a participant in the Cannes Lions 2024 See It, Be It scheme, she brings a wealth of experience and a passion for empowering women in the industry. Stephanie's journey is fueled by the inspiration she draws from her mother and other remarkable women, shaping her approach to life and work with a focus on inclusivity and collaboration.

In this interview, Stephanie shares her thoughts on being a woman in advertising, the power of supporting each other, and her role in co-founding Colectiva Colombia—a movement designed to elevate and support women in the industry. Her insights offer a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of carving out a space for women in creative leadership, emphasizing the importance of believing in oneself and lifting others along the way.

See it 

Tell us about a woman who has inspired you in your career. 

My mom is the epitome of inspiration in my life and career. Her unwavering belief in dreaming big, and then bigger, has shaped my journey profoundly. She instilled in me the understanding that there are no limits to what I can achieve. Her resilience, compassion, and boundless love have been my guiding lights, urging me to reach for the stars. Every success I've had is a testament to her wisdom and strength. In her, I see the embodiment of limitless possibilities, and I strive every day to make her proud. She is not just my inspiration; she is my hero. 

Be it 

How have you incorporated the lessons and insights you gained from women in your life and in creative/professional fields into how you approach life and your career?
The lessons from the remarkable women in my life and professional fields have profoundly shaped my approach to life and career. They've taught me that we're not competitors but each other's supporters, emphasizing that there's room for all of us at the table. Recognizing the unique value each individual brings, I've embraced the importance of inclusivity, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and respected. Understanding that collaboration and solidarity fuel success, I strive to uplift and empower those around me. Their teachings have instilled in me the belief that by lifting each other up, we all rise together. 

Do it 

How does that translate into the work? Tell us about some of the campaigns you've been involved in that you're really proud of. What challenges did you overcome to bring them to life? 

My most significant professional achievement to date is co-founding Colectiva Colombia, a movement crafted by women for women. This venture holds a special place in my heart as it emerged from a shared vision of empowering each other to succeed and taking control of our careers to elevate and improve them collectively. The biggest challenge was stepping out of my comfort zone to initiate something and believing in it enough to inspire others to come on board. Overcoming self-doubt and fear of failure was key to bringing this empowering initiative to life.

Share it 

What messages or words of advice do you have for the next generation of women coming into the industry? And tell us about anything that you do to support and lift up women in the industry 

My message for the next generation of women entering the industry: Believe in yourself; magical things happen when you push fear aside and claim the place you deserve. Your voice is indispensable, and we want to see you for who you are. Colectiva is my primary  tool for empowering women, providing them with opportunities to find their footing in our industry while uplifting them along the way. Together, let's break barriers, embrace authenticity, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. 

See It Be It is a LIONS initiative aiming to achieve equal gender representation among creative directors and leaders across the global industry. The programme is open to all women, trans-identifying and non-binary people. For any enquiries, please get in touch at
Further information on applying for See It Be It 2025 can be found here.