Fifteen million premature babies were born last year. That’s 15 million babies confined in intensive care units for months, away from their mothers. That’s why Samsung developed “Voices of Life,” a breakthrough idea and technology to connect mother and baby, helping preemies develop while separated from their mums.
Without the benefits of reaching full development in the womb, the preemies lose the nurturing sounds of their mothers, replaced by the beeping of machinery. This disconnect between the mom and her baby puts the child at higher risk of developing language and attention deficits.
Technology featured in “Voices of Life” records the mother’s voice and heartbeat, “wombifying” the sounds and playing them to the baby through a speaker inside the incubator. The soothing sounds from the mother increase the babies’ early sensory experience and ultimately, improve their brain development. It also helps the mother “be there” virtually even though she is physically away from her child.