Postal, a post-production company founded by Eric Berkowitz, today announced a collaboration with renowned animation directors Mark Szumski and Gina Niespodziani, also known as Hey Beautiful Jerk (HBJ). The duo will bring their unique, high-quality style of animation-driven storytelling and use of colourful design and visual effects to tell brand stories and connect with audiences in collaboration with Postal’s team and infrastructure.
Best known for their use of bright colours and humor, HBJ, injects a refined and high-quality style of storytelling into every project they work on. They have garnered mainstream attention for their music video work and concert visuals for artists including Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Cardi B, and a cult following for their work on Adult Swim, and music videos for heavy metal bands like Mastodon. Their roster of clients is equally as vibrant as the content itself, and includes VFX for Netflix original film Alex Strangelove, commercial work for Yahoo, Fender, Google, Adult Swim and Optimum, a series of short independent animated films, and a short form documentary made for Viacom.
With their eccentric flair for “refined crazy” this duo’s partnership with Postal will bring HBJ additional support and the expanded use of tools, such as a full CGI team that can be tapped at any moment for content. HBJ and Postal have already collaborated on commercial spots for Visine and WeWork. HBJ is also working on a Netflix original film with Spike Lee, a secret project with Milk Makeup, and visuals for Samantha Bee.
“We’re excited to collaborate with the Postal team on branded and commercial projects. I’ve worked with Jason in the past, and what he’s built with Postal is really amazing, and I’m excited to work with him again,” said Szumski. “Each project is unique, and for us, working with a team that understands our challenges and can help us create more branded content is an incredible opportunity and what really attracted us to Postal,” added Niespodziani.
“We’re so excited for Hey Beautiful Jerk to bring their cultural understanding, engaging personalities and incredible working style to Postal. They are the masterminds behind so much amazing content, and they are going bring something really special to the Postal team and to our clients,” said Jason Mayo, Managing Director, Postal.