‘Running Man’, written by Johnny Cooke and produced by Sadie Frost, is a dark yet comedic short film set in the South East of England in the early 90’s – the heyday of illegal raves.
The Blonde to Black Pictures and Goldfinch production film features a stellar cast including; Rafferty Law, Kerim Hassan, Kelvin Bueno, Jack McEvoy,Carl Barât and Gemma Gregory.
Set in 1991, we meet our protagonist Fred Love, played by Rafferty Law,who attempts to escape the ghosts of his past, by convincing his mates to takepart in a clinical drug trial for cash. But events take a turn as the trial spirals into violent psychosis, forcing Fred to come face-to-face with everything he's been running from.
You can't outrun guilt. It'll only catch you. And fuck you up.
Catch the film at Raindance Film Festival from Wednesday 18th September To Sunday 29th September 2019.
*Raindance is an independent film festival and film school that operates in major cities including London, Los Angeles, New York, Vancouver, Toronto,Montreal, Budapest, Berlin and Brussels.
To view Chris Turner aka Favourite Colour Black’s commercial body of work click here.