Company Profiles in association withLBB Newsletter

No Matter the Idea, WXM Prioritises Keeping It on the Table

The founder of the Toronto-based creative technology company, Damian Wright, on what it takes to develop within this niche, the importance of timely communication, and why he’s always keen to turn agency dreams into reality, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt
One of the great privileges that modern day marketers get to enjoy is that no matter what they dream up, there’ll probably be a way to bring it to life. After all, as technology improves, so too does the potential for amazing, innovative campaigns – it’s just a matter of finding the right people to actually execute the initial vision.

This is where a business like WXM comes into play. A creative technology company with a history of transforming agency ideations into actual activations, WXM is a one-stop shop operating out of Toronto for anyone looking to push the limits of possibility.

“We’ve got a fantastic team of producers and creative technologists who specialise in innovative technology,” explains founder Damian Wright. “We work with our agency partners to break down complex, jargon-filled technology, and use our knowledge of leading industry trends and activations to provide insight on how technology can best be used. And, we also love finding new ways to leverage technology, while providing meaningful solutions to bring creative ideas to life.”

It’s not surprising that a business like this exists. Sure, agencies might want to cut costs and in-house their way to success, but sometimes, you need an expert team that has reliable experience. This is something Damian was well aware of when he heard cries for help in the innovation sphere over 10 years ago, and he’s been carving out WXM’s niche ever since – placing the shop as a single point of contact for the entire production of events and activations.

“Producers are really under pressure today; they’re expected to do more and understand new technology in a very fast-paced environment, but they simply don't have the time,” he says. “That is where we help, by being a very experienced support team for them.”

Less Overworked Employees, More High Quality Craft

While it’s one thing to recognise a good business opportunity, shrewdly capitalising on it and cementing your reputation as reliable within the space is quite another matter. 

Reflecting on WXM’s growth, Damian admits that one of the most crucial factors which has enabled this longevity has been a pure passion for the craft.

“I’ve always wanted to know how things worked, and I would try to figure out how the magic trick was done,” he reflects. “So, a career building interactive activations was the perfect fit for me. As soon as a creative idea hits my screen, my mind instantly runs to the process of delivering it, what steps are needed, what technology might be useful, what it might cost, and how long it would take to develop.”

However, a company is not one man; it takes a village of likeminded people to establish an effective practice. And to this end, Damian has surrounded himself with an equally enthusiastic cohort – all of whom share his determination to grow the business and push the limits of what’s possible.

On any given day, an agency representative visiting the company might see the junior producers scrambling around, looking after the day-to-day of various campaigns down to locations, permits and BAs. They might sit down for a meeting with the senior producers and creative technologists, ensuring that everything is going according to plan. But, across the board, the eagerness to deliver is, according to Damian, there every time.

Of course, if the project and demands are especially large, guests might encounter a few of the specialists that WXM brings in – a recurring group of experts in the realms of AI, VR and other emerging technologies who are there to ensure the best solution to every job is found.

“Contractors and freelancers are fantastic for activation work,” he continues, breaking down this latter point. “The hours are usually long, the pressure is high, and people get burnt out if they don't get time off. We love using well-known freelancers when needed, as they are rested and excited about each project they’re called for. It also allows us to not have to keep too many salaries on the books, meaning we can pay the freelancers well for their work. In short, freelancers mean happier employees and lower overheads.”

Keeping It Cutting Edge

As a business owner, one crucial question Damian often finds himself considering is where the perfect balance lies between studying, playing with and integrating new technology, and investing time into the work itself. 

After all, a creative technology company must always keep up with what’s new. Expert freelancers are a great reinforcement and can provide an immediate solution, but to stay on top of the business as WXM has, emerging innovations need to ultimately be understood and, ideally, quickly mastered. However, this can pose quite a challenge when juggled with the actual task of delivering on clients’ campaigns at speed, or on a tight deadline. 

“Doing both is difficult,” Damian admits. “That is where our partners and agencies help push us. They approach us with ideas, and we research how we can bring them to life – keeping us up to date with technology in the process.” 

To this end, the WXM team finds it imperative that agencies pitch in a timely manner. Whether these prospective partners have literal napkin scribbles, a fantastic idea that they aren’t sure is possible, or are simply looking for a partner to build out the concept, the understanding that early communication is always better, is imperative. 

“A lot of what you hear in the industry is not exactly possible for a public-facing activation, so we always want to talk early about what is possible, what fits into budgets, and, most of the time, what is going to be delivered within the client's timeframe,” Damian notes. 

Continuing, he adds that reporting on these factors itself isn’t too demanding, but a late ask might mean the discovery that there isn’t time or budget to deliver everything asked for – not the most welcome news to be the bearer of. “This way, we are not setting each other up for failure, and something that can't be delivered hasn't been sold to the client.”

So, just what might a good agency-technology company partnership look like when all goes according to plan? On the top of mind for Damian is WXM’s recent collaboration with Zulu Alpha Kilo and the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). Not only did the team use BLE beacons and heart rate monitors to assess the emotional connection a visitor had when looking at particular pieces of art, but it served as a great chance to play with AI – something which the founder is always keen to integrate wherever possible. 

“Our system collected vast amounts of HR and location-based data,” he explains. “Only with AI could we effectively and quickly analyse those findings, using particular prompts we asked of it. It allowed us to look at more insights than if we had to write code to make those analyses. AI significantly impacted the speed to market, the costs, and the depth of results of that entire project.”

Others that spring to mind include an all-time Canadian classic, the Molson Canadian and Rethink ‘Beer Fridge’ – something Damian attributes to putting WXM on the map – a project which saw the team transform a 40 by 10 foot digital wall into a touch screen using a laser system (that works outside in the sun), and the use of photogrammetry for realistic VR with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

But, still, it’s the AGO project which stands out most to Damian. “That work was just fascinating,” he says. “Technology like that could give other galleries a chance to provide detailed wrap reports for their visitors and to bring them back for similar exhibits that the data suggests they’d like. Moreover, measured emotional connection has the potential to be used at sporting events, festivals, shows, or interactive experiences. Many events would love to know someone is having a great time!”

Innovating Into 2025

With all this said and done, planning for a big 2025 is top of mind for Damian. Even now, in early February, he is evaluating the next steps for WXM very carefully, especially since the company just opened a new location in New York City. 

While the team has already established strong partnerships with some great agencies in Toronto, new territory means networking and outreach, which is always easier said than done. Nevertheless, the WXM leadership team carries a sense of confidence, knowing what they have to offer is very much in demand, and that if they’ve already proven their ability to grow in one market, they’ll figure out how to do it again. 

“We know there is always a strong demand for innovation and reliable partners who can help producers deliver their campaigns,” Damian concludes. “The initial feedback in New York has been great, and we’re excited about the next project – no matter where it is – every day. The worst feeling is when a great idea falls off the table because the agency doesn't know if it can be delivered. We are here to stop that from happening, and bring those ideas to life.”

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