It’s been a long year of political, economic and religious upheaval in Italy, but McCann and Coca Cola decided to try and make a difference by getting people to smile.
So they asked themselves: what if every time you opened a can of Coke, it smiled back at you? Off they headed to the drawing board to get it technically right to see if we could change the opening of the can into the shape of a smile.
And the idea was born – a smiling Coca-Cola 'Happy Can'.
“A smile is contagious. We wanted to launch quite a few on the streets, and brighten up the mood,” explains CCO Miguel Bemfica.
According to Francesco Cibò, Creative Excellence Manager, Coca-Cola, the beauty of the idea is in its simplicity. “This idea plays with our packaging – the can – and manages in a simple design tweak to project what our brand is about,” he says.
What started out as a small technical tweak soon turned into a strong advertising idea. “We initially developed this idea as packaging innovation, yet fast enough we realised it is just as powerful as an ad. We went to the extreme of stripping all branding… and it still works.” Andrei Kaigorodov, Regional Account Director, McCann.
The Happy Can has featured in giant outdoor displays across Italy, but according to ECD Lee Tan, the eventual goal is to get Happy Cans into peoples’ hands. “The ambition is to bring the Happy Can to shops. People everywhere will open up to a smile.”
Francesco Cibò, Creative Excellence Manager, Coca-Cola
Vice Chairman: Andreas Dahlqvist
Chief Creative Officer: Miguel Bemfica
Executive Creative Director: Lee Tan
Creative Director: Giovanni Chiarelli
Art Director: Giovanni Berutti
Copywriter: Roberto Amboldi
Director of video case: Fabio Cimino
Regional Account Director: Andrei Kaigorodov
Poster Photography: LSD Studio
Media Agency: Initiative Milan
Client Service Manager: Bianca Valcarenghi
Video case: Why Worry Productions
Executive Producer: Diego Pandisi