Meet SPARE BRAIN, a visionary film director renowned for his captivating commercials featuring monsters, weird creatures and ground-breaking visual effects. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, SPARE BRAIN has carved a niche in the advertising industry, elevating brands through his imaginative and comedic creations. Weird is fun.
In the latest instalment of this interview series, the team at Let It Rip Pictures chat to director LEFT BRAIN to discuss food, travel and AI
PORTFOLIO: Spare Brain
REP: Let it Rip Pictures / USA
BRANDS: Pepsi, IKEA, Danone, Volvo, LIDLw
SKILLS: Monsters, VFX, comedy
SPARE BRAIN> I think the planet where everything is made out of strawberry chewing gum and my dreams.
SPARE BRAIN> The first sip of Pepsi, that was smuggled to my home country by my late uncle.
SPARE BRAIN> New York - on the last day before total annihilation by the giant meteorite.
SPARE BRAIN> The moment when aliens finished building pyramids in Egypt and realised nobody would believe it was their job. Poor creatures.
SPARE BRAIN> When shooting a documentary series about maritime workers, the whole film crew was kidnapped by pirates. As a result, I lost twenty pounds and two teeth and learned some doggy phrases in Somalian. Since then, I don’t direct scripts starting “We are at sea…”
SPARE BRAIN> I try to find the best motivation for the actor, hoping it’s not purely financial.
SPARE BRAIN> Make the dullest parts of the script visually interesting.
SPARE BRAIN> Love them. Still, keep inventing new ones.
SPARE BRAIN> I place great hope in AI. Finally, someone will answer the big question: Where are all the socks I lost in the public laundry?
SPARE BRAIN> Don’t produce anything that involves building anything and flying anywhere. Good luck with it :)