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Letting It Rip with Das Tassos

Production Company
New York, USA
The Let It Rip Pictures team sit down with director Das Tassos on being on the road, how 'Look Beyond Borders' changed his career and how to garner emotional performances from actors
Das Tassos sounds like an incredible talent! His upbringing in Greece and Germany likely influences his unique perspective on storytelling, blending different cultural elements into his work. His dedication to authenticity in actors' performances speaks volumes about his commitment to delivering genuine, relatable narratives to his audience.

Winning prestigious awards like the Golden Arc Award, Grand Prix at the Adweek Awards, and receiving multiple nominations at the Shots Awards, demonstrates his exceptional skill in crafting compelling campaigns that leave a lasting impact. His ability to connect with a wide audience through his work is truly remarkable.

The recognition he received at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, including the Bronze Lion and his film for Amnesty International reaching over a billion views worldwide, showcases the power of his storytelling to evoke emotion and drive meaningful change. Winning the Golden Euro Effie and gold at the Facebook Awards in Cannes Lions further solidifies his status as a top-tier director in the industry.

With his passion for cinema and dedication to telling stories that resonate deeply with viewers, Das Tassos is undoubtedly leaving an indelible mark on the world of advertising and filmmaking.

In the latest instalment of this interview series, the team at Let It Rip Pictures chat to director Das Tassos to discuss food, travel and making  sets more eco-friendly

LOCATION: Poland / International
REP: Let it Rip Pictures / USA
CLIENTS: Huawei, Amnesty International, McDonald's, Samsung, Volkswagen
SKILLS: Emotional, Narrative Storytelling, Sports, Documentary

LBB> What’s the place you feel like you belong in? 

Das> On the road. 

LBB> What’s your favourite food related memory? 

Das> Being in heaven. 

LBB> Share with us your guilty pleasure. And a sport you’d like to be good at.

Das> Salty stuff. Would like to be able to dunk thunderously. 

LBB> If you’d need to pick where you draw your inspiration from - based on the last three questions — would it be places, foods or guilty pleasures? 

Das> Places for sure. 

LBB> What US state would you choose for an open-budget weekend? 

Das> New York. 

LBB> What’s a movie scene you’d like to recreate in a commercial? 

Das> Wouldn’t it be more interesting to think about which commercial YOU could recreate in a movie? Would it be even possible? 

LBB> Can you name a project that changed the course of your career in an unexpected way? 

Das> Yes. 'Look Beyond Borders', could be described as such a project. I would never have thought that our small project would reach a worldwide audience of more than one billion viewers. At this point I really understood the impact and influence of shorter content. 

LBB> How do you collaborate with actors in order to get the best emotions out?

Das> 1. An actor has to be accountable for their creation. It’s above all the collaboration between the director and the actor that matters most
2. Set the scene up in such a way, that the actor will be able to understand it thoroughly. Only if they really get what it’s about, they’ll get into the real emotions
3. Reset the whole thing and rethink your set-up when the tone is not true. After all, it’s your responsibility to make the whole right. Don’t freeze — adapt, and eventually find the right approach

LBB> What’s your favourite in-camera trick? 

Das> Always the one that fits the story and the style of the current project. 

LBB> Transitions - love them or hate them? 

Das> Love them, when they make sense. Hate them, when they don’t. 

LBB> What’s your take on AI? 

Das> Evolution. 

LBB>Did you ever do a cameo role and if so, can you share a picture with us? 

Das> Sure - a couple of years ago in a videoclip. Here’s the picture. 

LBB> Dream client? 

Das> The conscious ones who understand what we want to achieve together. 

LBB> What is your advice to producers in order to keep our film sets more eco friendly? 

Das> Don’t talk about it. DO IT! 
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