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L’ÉLOI Announces Major Roster Expansion

Production Company
Montreal, Canada
23 artists are now represented, all featured on the production studio’s redesigned website

L’ÉLOI proudly announces the addition of seven new artists and seven studios to its expanding roster, now representing a total of 23 diverse talents in the fields of directing, photography, mixed media and motion design. This expansion enhances L’ÉLOI’s creative capabilities and service offerings both in Canada and internationally—all showcased on a brand new website.

L’ÉLOI has carefully selected each artist for their unique skills and approach, ensuring they complement the company’s existing roster and help expand its creative horizons. The studio also continues to broaden its reach through strategic partnerships with established representatives in key cities such as Toronto (Hestyreps), New York (FreeAgents) and Chicago (Renee & Melissa).

Éloi Beauchamp, CEO and founder of L’ÉLOI, expressed his enthusiasm: “L'ÉLOI has never felt more on its mark: we have the right artists and the right people in place to make a significant impact globally. This alignment puts us in a strong position to CONQUER THE WORLD.”

The Canadian talent roster welcomes up-and-coming directors Derek Branscombe and Justin Abernethy. Derek has quickly made a name for himself with his interest in AI and automotive technologies, while Justin offers a fresh Y2K-inspired style influenced by cartoons, bold graphic design, and digital mixed media.

Internationally, L’ÉLOI welcomes new talents such as directors Ivan Jurado, who adds a creative flair to everyday scenes, and Jillian Iscaro, who emphasizes diversity and inclusion in her vibrant projects, and Raphael Vangelis, known for his awe-inspiring in-camera effects augmented by 3D magic. Guillaume Alantaz brings a dynamic edge with his passion for extreme sports and automotive pursuits, while the directorial duo BOM is celebrated for their nuanced humour. 

Additionally, seven animation studios, including Frame, Temple Caché, Clim, Anecdote, Colegram, Baillat and Mat&Fab have joined L’ÉLOI to deliver compelling mixed media content.

Director Derek Branscombe shared, “I thrive in the space between different practices like animation, cinematography, VFX and hands-on craft. It’s a challenge to fit into the traditional advertising framework, but L’ÉLOI really supports my unique approach. The dedication to artistry here, along with the amazing people Éloi has brought together, creates a truly magical environment for a director like me.”

The directing duo BOM remarked, “At L’ÉLOI, we found a group that truly understands the importance of art direction. Here, whether it’s live action or studio work, we’re encouraged to create vivid and surprising narratives. It’s a place where our passion for storytelling with a strong visual focus is shared and celebrated.”

Temple Caché praised the team’s approach: “We value the transparency and motivation at L’ÉLOI. Their curiosity and cheerful attitude make collaboration smooth and enjoyable.”

These new artists join L’ÉLOI’s well-established roster, which already includes the fashion-forward duo Jodi+Alex, the colourful LM Chabot, music and fashion-driven Gerardo Alcaine, light wizard Nik Mirus, culinary specialists Les Garçons, craftsmanship masters Caravane, the vivid Camille Boyer, explorer Guillaume Beaudoin and botanical expert Audrey St-Laurent.

To showcase this reinforced roster effectively, L’ÉLOI has launched a revamped website with fresh branding by design studio Principal. The new platform embodies the philosophy of ‘show, don’t tell’, allowing the artists’ work to stand out while providing a seamless and intuitive user experience for visitors. Explore the new website and get inspired here.

Work from L'Éloi
Digital Architecture
Nik Mirus
Digital Architecture (BTS)
Nik Mirus
Camille Boyer
Tim Horton's