In Poland 79.9% of energy is still produced using coal. The country has some of the most polluted air in Europe, but there is zero education in schools about this important issue.
As a part LEGO’s new global 'Rebuild the World' positioning, Ogilvy Social.Lab Poland created a local expression of this ambition, aimed at Poland’s growing younger population.
The agency launched new ‘Green Instructions’, which turn existing LEGO sets into greener versions. Using LEGO bricks as a language of communication with the next generation, the project turned cars into bicycles or scooters, planes into electric trains, and coal mines into electricity generating windmills.
When the global lockdown came, Ogilvy Social.Lab Poland added online lessons based on the same ‘Green Instructions’ - led by popular Polish teachers. The lessons were made available to everyone who wanted to listen. Soon teachers from all over the country discovered them and started using them in their own classrooms. The message has already found its way into a large number of schools across the country.