Creative in association withGear Seven

JanSport Embraces Gen Z’s Unserious Humour with Irreverent Anthems

Advertising Agency
Los Angeles, USA
Party Land celebrates mundane moments to position JanSport as the accidentally iconic backpack brand

JanSport, America's #1 backpack brand, has launched a comedic, social-first ad campaign for the 2024 back-to-school season, titled “Always With You,” in collaboration with comedy’s greatest ad agency, Party Land. The campaign builds on JanSport’s commitment to gen Z, positioning the brand as the go-to backpack for everyday moments and embracing its ubiquity as an accidentally iconic brand - a strategy that aims to deepen connections with its core audience of 14-22-year-olds.

The “Always With You” creative campaign, designed with TikTok in mind, features a series of eight spots that reflect gen Z’s offbeat sense of humour, vulnerability, and openness. Each spot unfolds in real places where consumers take their JanSport backpack - essentially everywhere. Whether it’s a local farmer’s stand, a crowded subway, or a bathroom stall, JanSport is always by their side, holding their belongings in any situation. These vignettes are set to irreverent anthems sung by the actors themselves and showcase unfiltered feelings and candid internal dialogues, offering a refreshingly real perspective on gen Z experiences – from people-pleasing to compromised personal space to grieving the loss of a furry friend.

The spots are relatable yet never try too hard or take themselves too seriously, which aligns with gen Z’s preferred way of creating and consuming content on TikTok. Rather than focusing on aspirational situations often depicted in traditional advertising, Party Land’s approach uses irreverent humour, a subversive tone, and intentionally unserious music to emphasise JanSport’s “everydayness.”

“At JanSport, our mission is to be the most trusted carry solution brand, supporting individuals through all of life’s adventures,” said Alexandra Reveles, VP of global brand, JanSport. “Our 'Always With You' campaign aligns with this vision by showcasing the everyday, in-between moments where JanSport backpacks are indispensable and infusing them with the authenticity and humour that resonate with gen Z. By leveraging Party Land’s expertise in comedy that strikes a chord with gen Z’s distinct sense of humour and real-life experiences, we not only deepen our emotional connection but also make JanSport relevant and an ally, reinforcing our brand values of trust, inclusivity, and self-expression.”

Party Land’s strategic use of humour taps into a potent consumer preference for relatable and funny content: 78% of gen Z are more likely to share ads that they find humorous and relatable on social media, while 61% believe brands using humour in their advertising are more trustworthy (according to Marketing Hustle). Additionally, 90% of people are more likely to remember ads that are funny and 72% say they would choose a humorous brand (according to Oracle). This creative direction reinforces JanSport’s commitment to being an integral part of gen Z’s daily lives.

“When a brand leans into who they genuinely are for their customers, rather than who they aspire to be, that’s meaningful. ‘Always With You’ reflects how people actually use their JanSport backpacks. It’s an unpretentious companion for the mundane, often overlooked parts of life,” said Natalia Fredericks, creative director, Party Land. “We embraced that realness and created a series of everyday anthems that let us highlight JanSport’s product benefits in the most regular and unserious moments, with deadpan delivery and songs sung by the untrained actors themselves, not vocalists. It’s an intentionally unpolished campaign that makes a meal of simple moments, leaning heavily into our audience’s sense of humour. Our gen Z team members’ own experiences informed our ideas and made ads that don’t look like typical ads, because they happen in the spaces where we live our real, everyday lives.”

The “Always With You” campaign runs nationwide, with a strong emphasis on social and digital platforms, including TikTok and YouTube. It also includes outdoor ad placements in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Denver, and other major markets.

Party Land won the JanSport business in 2023 in a competitive pitch.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from Party Land
Toilet and Texting
Buffer Bag
People Pleaser