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How Sacha Ouimet is Embracing the Power of AI

Creative Agency
Toronto, Canada
The Hive’s executive creative director discusses the value of transforming imagined ideas into proven concepts, recognising AI as a tool, not a bestower of creativity, and ensuring room is left for the nuance of human touch, writes LBB’s Josh Neufeldt

Obviously, the discussion of AI has been a fundamental fixture of 2023, marking all sorts of conversations with the debate of whether it’s here to help or harm us. 

But, for Sacha Ouimet, ECD at creative agency The Hive, the answer is resoundingly positive. Integrating it into large-scale projects for the agency’s list of clients, he’s using the new technology to enable proof of concept, turning ideas into visual depictions that let him know whether there’s something truly there to be built upon. Absolutely, there’s still a necessity for the human touch - as the final product should always come from human-driven creativity, and be shaped by human hands - but this adaptation to the technological era has allowed the agency to achieve local and international success. After all, when integrating cutting-edge tools means enhanced efficiency, service quality and the ability to quickly sketch out visual concepts, what’s not to love?

To learn more about this, and chat about how he and the agency are using AI for the better, LBB’s Josh Neufeldt sat down with Sacha for a chat. 

LBB> Tell us about your relationship with AI. How long have you been interested in it, and why is this an area you find fascinating?

Sacha> My passion for cutting-edge technology has consistently driven me to explore innovative solutions, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence. Tools like Midjourney stand out as exemplary in this field, offering a seamless interface for transforming intricate visual concepts into digestible, compelling visuals. It's pivotal to recognise that AI, much like any tool, doesn't inherently bestow creativity. It functions more as an amplifier, akin to how a hammer doesn't make one an adept carpenter, but rather enhances one's existing craftsmanship. In this digital era, AI acts as a catalyst, expanding the horizons of our creative potential and enabling us to venture beyond conventional boundaries in thought and design.

LBB> Speaking practically, how long have you been using it for? And what purposes does it serve within your day to day operations?

Sacha> Ever since AI tools burst onto the scene, I've been an early adopter, diving headfirst into this transformative technology. In the initial stages, resources like tutorials were scarce, compelling me to engage in extensive experimentation to hone my proficiency. 

In my daily workflow, AI serves a triple purpose. Firstly, it's an invaluable asset for visualising complex concepts, allowing me to assess their viability in a visual format. Secondly, it's a powerful tool for articulating ideas to clients, bridging the gap between abstract concepts and tangible visuals. Lastly, it's a playground for creativity, where I explore the boundless possibilities of AI, continually pushing the limits of innovation and design. This journey with AI is not just about leveraging a tool; it's about continually redefining the landscape of visual communication and creativity.

LBB> You’ve mentioned using AI for proof of concept. Tell us more about this! How do you execute this in practice, and is this something you always try to do now?

Sacha> The advent of Photoshop revolutionised the art world, especially in the realm of mock-ups. Now, with AI integration in tools like Adobe Photoshop, the potential for mock-ups has reached unprecedented heights. Creatives who aren't harnessing this technology are, quite frankly, missing out on a transformative opportunity. Embracing every new tool that enhances creative expression is not just advisable - it's essential in today's fast-paced, innovation-driven environment. 

LBB> Obviously, there’s a lot of debate about whether AI is good, or something that’s coming for all of our jobs. So how do you view the relationship between AI and creativity? 

Sacha> Remember, at its core, AI is merely a tool. Relying on it for solutions or answers without your own input is a passive approach that fails to leverage its full potential. Creativity isn't inherent in tools - it's a distinctly human attribute that you must infuse into the AI process. Consider the analogy of having the same brushes as Picasso; possessing the tools doesn't guarantee the replication of his genius. Moreover, even the most advanced AI outputs often require the human touch, like fine-tuning in Photoshop, to achieve perfection. 

Throughout history, humans have crafted tools to bring their imaginations to life. Now, as we stand at the threshold of this new digital era, it's crucial to embrace AI not just as another tool, but as a groundbreaking asset to expand our creative horizons and to forge innovative pathways in both design and strategy.

LBB> Building on this, how has creativity evolved with access to AI? What are the implications of its existence for advertising as a whole?

Sacha> As a forward-thinking agency, it's imperative for us to embrace and integrate cutting-edge tools to enhance our efficiency and service quality for clients. AI stands out as a remarkable asset in this regard, offering the capability to expedite numerous processes. From pitching innovative concepts to clients to streamlining briefings with production houses, AI serves as a dynamic accelerator. Its implementation in our workflow isn't just about keeping pace with technological advancements; it's about redefining the velocity and efficacy with which we deliver creative solutions. By leveraging AI, we're not only optimising our operational efficiency, but also ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the rapidly-evolving digital landscape, always ready to meet and exceed client expectations.

LBB> With this in mind, are there potential risks/usage cases that should be avoided for people just starting out? How do you avoid cheating with AI?

Sacha> People inherently gravitate towards convenience, but therein lies a pitfall, especially when interacting with AI. Those who expect AI to be a panacea for all challenges are setting themselves up for disappointment. AI, in its current state, is an incredibly sophisticated assistant, a facilitator of ideas and a sounding board for thoughts, rather than a standalone problem solver. Relying on it to completely address problems, whether they're internal challenges or client-specific issues, is a misinterpretation of its capabilities. The key is to use AI as a tool to augment human ingenuity, not to replace it. Success in this era hinges on harmonising AI's computational power with human creativity and problem-solving skills, rather than expecting technology to carry the entire burden of innovation and resolution.

LBB> Another big discussion point with AI is licensing and crediting. What is your view on this? How can adland best approach this?

Sacha> AI is fundamentally a tool; a means to an end rather than the end itself. So, personally, I view AI-generated assets as stepping stones in the creative process, not as final products. They serve as invaluable references and sources of inspiration, helping to shape ideas and directions. However, the final mockup, in my approach, is always crafted through a more nuanced, human-led creative process. This philosophy aligns with the ideal that while AI can provide a foundation or a starting point, the refinement, detail, and unique touch that define a final product come from the human hand. It's about striking the right balance between utilising AI for its efficiency and scope, and applying human creativity and expertise to elevate the final output to its highest potential.

LBB> With all this in mind, how are you using AI at The Hive?

Sacha> At this point, most of our creatives have embraced AI as an indispensable tool, not just for idea generation but also for enhancing our deck presentations. It's not just about elevating the quality of output; it's also about accelerating client engagement and approval processes. Clients now have the advantage of visualising ideas more vividly and accurately, making it easier to buy into the vision we present. 

This adoption has led to a significant evolution in both the quality of our creative decks and the sophistication of our mock-ups. As a result, we're observing heightened client engagement and an increasing demand for these enhanced creative outputs. Essentially, AI is reshaping the way we present and develop ideas, setting a new benchmark in both creative quality and client interaction.

LBB> Tell us about some of the best projects you’ve used AI for. How did this technology enable their final success?

Sacha> The IÖGO masterbrand campaign serves as an exemplary case of how we leveraged AI, specifically Midjourney, in our creative process. We utilised this tool to generate initial character concepts for the advertisement's mock-ups. These AI-generated visuals played a crucial role in client presentations, essentially helping clients to 'fall in love' with the core idea. 

Once that initial buy-in was secured, we then collaborated with a specialised 3D studio, Rodeo FX (in this case), to refine and realise the final character designs. This process showcases a seamless integration of AI and human expertise: AI provides a clear, compelling starting point, while the human-led studio brings the nuanced, high-quality finish that only skilled artists can achieve. This approach not only streamlines the creative process but also ensures that the final output meets the highest standards of quality and creativity.

LBB> Finally, where do you see the future of AI going into 2024?

Sacha> AI is poised to become an integral component of the creative landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhanced outputs. While AI may initially appear daunting, its potential as a transformative technology cannot be ignored. It's essential to confront and understand AI, exploring ways to harness it for our benefit. This technology represents more than just a new tool; it's a game changer in the creative industry. Admittedly, yes, for those who seek shortcuts, AI might result in a dip in creative quality. However, for those who view AI as a powerful ally, it can elevate their work and distinguish their agency in the market. Embracing new technologies like AI is crucial for our evolution. 

But, it's equally important to develop a critical understanding of these tools. Experiment with them, push their limits, and form your own perspective on how they can best serve your creative vision. It's this balanced approach that will enable us to not only adapt, but thrive in a landscape continually reshaped by technological advancements.

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