Brand Insight in association withLBB's Brand Insight Features

How Kia Used Data and Personalisation to Increase Sales and Test Drives

Advertising Agency
Barcelona, Spain
The Kia Lead Generation System by Havas Media Spain was recently named best performing automotive campaign by WARC
Kia, South Korea’s second-largest carmaker, came to Havas Media Spain looking to increase sales, test drives and requests for quotes by optimising its digital funnel and reducing lead acquisition costs. Havas Media embarked on a collaborative project with Kia that do would more than just improve the navigation on Kia’s landing pages and websites, personalising the user experience in the most individual way possible, not only in the digital realm, but also in call centres and car dealerships.

The agency created the Kia Lead Generation System, a system that records a complete data footprint, from ad impact to the call centre and, finally, the Kia car dealership, to feed Kia’s customer service and sales operatives all the info they needed to manage the lead effectively and close a sale once the customer is at the dealership.

The system offers personalised content to those searching for a new car online, based on their profiles and interests. It also allows Kia to monitor and optimise the entire customer journey process through the whole sales funnel, giving them a deeper vision of each lead and enabling them to make better investment decisions in real time.

According to Concepcion Martinez Valero, key account manager at Havas Media Spain: “In a day and age where more and more people are using the internet to purchase products, or at least to decide on making the purchase or not, one of the biggest keys to a successful business is the generation of new online sales leads.

And because it is customers and not companies that drive business decisions, it is more important than ever before to get to know your customers on a deeper level, and the only way to do this effectively is by tapping into the available data and leveraging it to gain critical insight. We created the Lead Generation System with this insight in mind. It was crucial to truly know and understand our customer’s experience and behaviour.”

The innovative campaign has demonstrated the power of smart data use and personalised customer journeys, leading to an increase of 186% in requested test drives. It has maximised the conversion rate from click and visit to the site to test drive or quote request by 103%, and increased sales through Kia's digital channels by 100%.

The Lead Generation System has also showed that a click can lead to a real conversation for a bricks-and-mortar business like Kia.