Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

How ELTERN Started the Conversation around Miscarriages This Mother’s Day

Advertising Agency
Hamburg, Germany
Executive creative director Marielle Wilsdorf explains the making and meaning of the heart-wrenching film, writes LBB’s Zoe Antonov

This mother’s day, parenting platform ELTERN teamed up with GGH MullenLowe to open up the conversation on a topic that is not so widely discussed - not only during the holiday, but overall. 

Although pregnancy is generally an exciting time in a person’s life, figures show that one in six pregnancies end in miscarriage - a relatively common occurrence which has become taboo, as many other female health related issues. The awareness campaign was pioneered by ELTERN who were keen to stir the conversation and, most importantly, educate those who have not been through a miscarriage and console those who have, helping them understand why speaking up and grieving is necessary. 

Part of ELTERN’s Mother’s Day editorial special, the film is charged with emotion and takes the viewer on a journey through a family home, from the point of view of a child. Accompanied by the child’s heart-wrenching monologue, we finally reach a grieving mother in her bedroom to find out the underlying meaning of the film. Many parents tend to feel guilt following a miscarriage, but ELTERN’s campaign reassures viewers that that guilt is unwarranted and requires open conversation.

The editorial special also contains useful articles that provide information on the causes of miscarriage, professional support from OB/GYNs and support when it comes to dealing with fear for future pregnancies. 

Marielle Wilsdorf, executive creative director spoke to LBB’s Zoe Antonov to tell her more about the considerations and intricacies around the project.

LBB> What was the brief for this campaign and the initial conversations around it?

Marielle> This was a pro-active idea that we presented to Eltern. There was no particular brief, but the issue is so relevant and Eltern are the leading experts in this field. It was crucial to create a space where people affected can find support and help in talking openly about it.

LBB> What is the underlying message you want to convey to audiences through the campaign?

Marielle> Miscarriages are such a big, yet silent issue and we wanted to draw attention to it with a film that could help to de-taboo it. Miscarriages are something normal, no one is to blame. Very few people speak openly about the painful loss. In the same way, as a society we often do not know how to help those affected. There is a lack of awareness, education, and exchange in society - this must change. The more women can feel safe opening up and talking about their experience, the more likely they are to get the understanding and support they need.

LBB> Tell us more about the setting of the scene - why was it important to do the film from a child's perspective?

Marielle> Many women develop a strong bond with their child in their womb during the first few months and grieve the loss of their imagined future when a miscarriage occurs. Dreams are shattered that need to be processed. We found that the child’s perspective transmits that feeling most authentically.

LBB> What approach did you take in order to convey such a heavy topic while still staying respectful?

Marielle> We knew it would be hard to watch. That’s why the trigger warning was crucial so that anyone who has experienced a traumatic situation that is related to pregnancy could decide for themselves. At the same time, we felt it was important to not sugar coat the pain that people feel who have experienced a miscarriage.

LBB> Why do you think it is important to address topics such as this one in mainstream creative media?

Marielle> Because this topic is such a big taboo, and we feel it is necessary to spark an open public discussion.

LBB> Tell us more about the wider campaign around the film.

Marielle> There is an editorial special in all the magazines connected to that offers education, dialogue, and professional support. You can read the stories of other parents that have lost their child and feel less alone.

LBB> Any final thoughts?

Marielle> Yes, I want to say thank you to all people involved. The client that had the courage to show such an emotional piece of creation. And all the people that supported it from production side. 
Work from GGH MullenLowe