High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five: Recent Favourites from Thjnk's Creative Team

Advertising Agency
Berlin, Germany
Five of the best creatives of Thjnk Berlin, Ralf Schröder, Andrea Masihi, Jens Christl, Stephan Nürge and Berthold Brodowski, come together to collectively celebrate some of the world's best recent work

If you just happened to wonder what the coolest job in the world possibly is - well, it’s ours. People actually get paid to come up and produce ideas and generally do stuff like this. From the initial thought to the execution of an idea, this shows how funny, clever and entertaining advertising (still) can be. So, we hope you have fun watching it...

Twix - 'Bears'

Agency: adam&eveDDB Chicago
Production: Dummy Films

Ralf Schröder, creative director, art > What else can you say about a chocolate bar that has been around for decades and has been advertised many times, except that it is chewy, crunchy and delicious? Exactly. And how else could you tell that story so well and so wittily than to show the chewiness and crunchiness and deliciousness from different perspectives and put it all into a contemporary, honest setting? Exactly.

BVG - 'Pattern of Diversity'

Agency: Jung von Matt SAGA

Andrea Masihi, creative senior, art > Super simple and yet super smart. After implementing the BVG seat pattern onto the by now legendary BVG adidas sneaker, Jung von Matt SAGA and BVG came up with yet another bold visual idea to push awareness for diversity in a super diverse city and beyond. By simply changing BVG’s well-known seat pattern into diverse silhouettes is not only fun to look at, but a real statement for diversity.


Agency: Heimat Berlin

Jens Christl, creative senior, copy > German hardware store HORNBACH is famous for motivating its target group to get creative with their DIY projects. This season, letters on storefronts suddenly disappeared, leaving passersby questioning and investigating online what is happening with the giant signs. After some weeks, the case was resolved: creatives from around the world upcycled these giant letters into unique DIY projects. The film proves what is possible with the right amount of imagination: the 'O' turned into a whirlpool, the 'A' into a playground for skateboarders. Another great one from Hornbach and Heimat!

Zijkant - 'Equal Pay Day'

Agency: mortierbrigade
Production: CZAR

Stephan Nürge, creative senior, art > Another thought-provoking campaign by mortierbrigade about the sadly still-persisting gender pay gap. The stars of the film are former elite Belgian athletes. The beautiful journey of motherhood often comes with personal and professional sacrifices. Symbolic umbilical cords entangle mothers fighting for equal pay between men and women. In this really creative and unusual way, men are being asked to equally share the load at home and give women a fair chance in the world of work and their professional careers.

Liquid Death - 'BODY BY BERT'

Production: Rich Downey

Berthold Brodowski, creative director, copy > Liquid Death keeps up the good work of unconventional, bold and funny advertising. An iconic ironic statement about body positivity crafted into the retro trend that surrounds us all. High class nonsense that pushes all the necessary buttons to make us laugh and come up with an interest in this marvellous canned water that is Liquid Death.

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