HealthUnlocked is the largest social network dedicated to health in the world. Used by more than 40 million people each year, it has over 600 health-specific online communities, which are owned and moderated by patient organisations across the world. HealthUnlocked communities help people to connect with organisations and people with the same health concerns, ask questions and receive helpful advice and support. HealthUnlocked uses unique artificial intelligence to help patients by recommending health content, information and services to patients in a highly tailored fashion.
The complementary services of Health Unlimited and HealthUnlocked will enable clients to access best practice patient recruitment, retention and engagement programmes, and will drive organic and new business for both agencies. The partnership will also create referral opportunities across other areas of the Unlimited Group, with its full service market research agency ICM Unlimited already working closely with the HealthUnlocked team.
Nicky Walsby, Executive Director of Health Unlimited, commented: “HealthUnlocked occupy a unique space in the healthcare market. The importance of direct-to-patient engagement will only increase as market access challenges continue to prevail, particularly in the costly chronic diseases area. Patients want to be engaged in decisions affecting their care in a timely and authentic manner. Our partnership with HealthUnlocked will support our strategy to build a best in healthcare consumer engagement capability that delivers real value for people living with any healthcare condition.”
Phil Golz, Commercial Director at HealthUnlocked, adds: “HealthUnlocked has extensive experience in building patient centric digital communities to support people to improve their health and quality of life, and we have expertise in working with care providers, pharmaceutical companies and clinical research organisations leveraging our network to meet their business needs in dealing directly with patients.
“Health Unlimited is a natural partner for HealthUnlocked and industry customers will benefit from our close collaboration and shared ways of working. Together we will support better health outcomes for millions of people, by creating further awareness of our health network and successfully supporting industry to reach highly tailored segments of patients.”