
Greenpeace Podcast Meets the Creatures of the Deep

Season 2 of 'Oceans: Life Under Water' dives into deep sea mining

Greenpeace’s podcast Oceans: Life Under Water is back for a second season after an incredibly successful first season which won a Bronze Climate award at the 2024 British Podcast Awards, and was nominated in the Listener’s Choice category. It begins with three episodes on the beauty of the deep sea and the threat of deep sea mining as nations prepare to attend the all important International Seabed Authority meeting.

From 17th March international delegations will have an opportunity to speak in favour of a precautionary pause on deep sea mining, and against the development of a ‘mining code.’ Alongside the threat of the first-ever commercial mining application, deep sea mining contractors have stepped up their lobbying on governments to deliver a mining code to allow deep sea mining to start.

Wildlife filmmaker, zoologist, and broadcaster Hannah Stitfall (BBC Springwatch and Winterwatch, The One Show and BBC Earth) makes a return as host, with a new series of 10 episodes, plus two bonus episodes, each covering amazing stories of the wonders of the ocean.

Hannah Stitfall said, “I'm thrilled to be back for the new season, with even more awe-inspiring stories from the ocean. We'll introduce you to wonders under the waves, like the strawberry squid and tripod fish. And this time we're taking you to the blue frontiers of ocean threats, exposing the realities facing our oceans - illegal fishing and our broken seafood system. The ocean-lovers among you are going to love the new episodes, finding them inspiring and challenging in equal measure. Do join us for this deep dive into our precious oceans if you can.”

With prestigious guests, the episodes will immerse listeners in the depths of the oceans to discover creatures of the deep sea and explore the beauty of ocean biodiversity with coral reefs, dolphins and turtles.

The host and guests will explore illegal fisheries and our broken seafood system. Then they travel to the far North with episodes recorded in the Arctic Circle on the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, to reveal all about this iconic place and the threats hanging over it.

Oceans: Life Under Water aims to have listeners fall in love with the oceans, while educating them on the threats they face to promote the need to protect our underwater environments. It is part of Greenpeace’s Oceans Are Life campaign, which seeks to stop destruction and damage from current and emerging threats like industrial fishing and deep sea mining, and secure protection of at least 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030, through a network of ocean sanctuaries that could be created by the Global Ocean Treaty.

Ariana Densham, head of oceans at Greenpeace UK, said, “Whether we live close to the sea or miles from it, the oceans touch us all. From the fish we eat to the livelihoods they sustain, the wildlife we treasure to the climate that supports us, life on earth as we know it relies on our oceans. But despite knowing how precious they are, humans have carried out centuries of destructive activities like industrial fishing and new threats like deep sea mining loom on the horizon.

“Nature is suffering but we have an opportunity to change that this year, for the great whales, the mighty sharks, the constellations of fish, wonders of the deep sea and flocks of seabirds worldwide. And also for our precious basking sharks, puffins and kittiwakes here in Britain.

"We hope season two of our podcast will inspire many more people to join us in pushing the UK government to follow in the footsteps of the 18 countries, including France and Spain, that have already signed the Global Ocean Treaty into law. This is the crucial legal tool which can establish a global network of marine sanctuaries. This July the UK also has the power to vote to stop deep sea mining before it starts, preventing a whole new extractive industry that would destroy ocean biodiversity and habitats.”

Season two of Oceans: Life Under Water will run for 10 episodes, and two bonus episodes, with new ones airing each Monday. The first two episodes will air on Monday 10 March. Download and listen on Amazon, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also find the podcast on Instagram and TikTok.

The UK government must follow in the footsteps of the 18 countries, including France and Spain, that have already ratified the Global Ocean Treaty. This is the crucial legal tool which can protect 30% of global oceans by 2030. This July the UK also has the power to vote to stop deep sea mining before it starts, preventing a whole new extractive industry that would destroy ocean biodiversity and habitats.

A global movement of over 2 million people is against deep sea mining. 207,000 people have signed Greenpeace UK’s petition calling on the UK government to put the global oceans off-limits to deep sea mining and stop this new extractive industry before it starts. Help Greenpeace reach 250,000.

Oceans: Life Under Water is produced by Crowd Network in collaboration with Greenpeace

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