The 3D animated spot was created by BMF and tells the age-old story of dreaming for more in a new and funny way
George Weston Foods has kicked off a new campaign for its breakfast iconic brand Golden to further leverage Aussie's love for its gloriously spongy, holey crumpets.
In order to drive frequency of purchase for crumpets, BMF introduces a story about one Crumpet that dreamed of more. More than just butter, jam, and honey; despite its family being so set in its old ways.
Says Marketing and Innovation Director, Graeme Cutler: "Increasing purchase frequency of Golden crumpets represents a serious growth opportunity, and will be brought to life through this not so serious, but joyous and highly engaging campaign. ”
Says Cam Blackley, ECD at BMF: “We just hope people can accept that in 2017 a Crumpet should be free to wear what it likes."
BMF worked with Revolver/Will O’Rourke and Psyop in order to create a mini animated crumpet world. Each character was modelled from a real Golden Crumpet using stop frame animation.
The multi-channel campaign includes TVC, Digital, Social and a Facebook App launching in the second campaign burst in September.