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Gen Z Is More Nuanced Than You Might Think

Branding and Marketing Agency
San Diego, USA
A new survey by DEPT asks gen z-ers how they feel about their portrayal in the media and what it means to be labelled as the generation that will “save the world”, writes LBB's Addison Capper
In 2024, brands will need to continue their push to connect with the unique gen z audience on the platforms they prefer - such as TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat - and make sure they are taking into account just how nuanced and authentic this generation is. 

At least, those are the thoughts of Steven Denekas, global SVP of creative at DEPT, who in a bid to help inform marketers’ gen z strategies, decided to go straight to the source. He and the team at DEPT asked nearly 3,000 US-based gen z-ers how they feel about their portrayal in the media, what it means to be labelled as the generation that will ‘save the world’, how they approach interactions with brands, and what their social media habits look like. 

“What stands out to us is the fact that nothing about gen z is cut and dry,” says Steven. “For instance, we found that quality and price are more important to gen z than carbon footprint and brand reputation.”

That is despite the fact that just three years ago, McKinsey found that consumers expressed a greater willingness to pay more for sustainable goods. But, thanks to loads of inflation, cost of living increases, and an uncertain economy, today’s consumers, especially younger ones, are now singing a different tune. Thirty-nine per cent prioritise quality while 36% are focused on price. Carbon footprint and sustainability came in at just 16% followed last by brand reputation at 7%.

“While it's essential to maintain a strong commitment to producing eco-friendly and sustainable products, brands must also ensure that these offerings remain accessible and affordable for the budget-conscious lifestyle of young consumers,” adds Steven.

Fifty-seven per cent also said they are more likely to buy from a brand when they feel the shopping experience is highly personalised to their needs, interests, and past purchases, while 23% said they don’t actually care much about personalised experiences. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents said it is very important for them to support brands with a social or environmental mission.

“We found that the type of advertising that resonates most with gen z is content from creators and influencers, a brand’s social media, and personalised ads on social media platforms. Although it’s clear that these platforms are where gen z is willing to interact with and build relationships with brands, having an active social media presence isn’t enough. Gen z has cultivated a reputation for transparency, open conversations, and relatability. 

“For advertisers to succeed with gen z, they have to deliver on the promise of personalised content that reflects this generation’s definition of authenticity. Leveraging social media and creator and/or influencer partnerships can be effective strategies for connecting with gen z, who often turn to these platforms for information, recommendations, and validation.”

When it comes to their portrayal in the media, 68% of surveyed people feel that they are very accurately or somewhat accurately portrayed by the media, while 52% feel the media portrays them more negatively. Interestingly, 67% believe the media accurately or somewhat accurately represents diversity within gen z, including factors like ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic background, while 10% said that being labelled as the generation that will ‘save the world’ was an unfair burden on their generation.

Forty per cent of respondents also said they are scared about the rise of AI and frequent headlines about how it will replace jobs in the near future, while 24% said they are indifferent to AI, 22% said they are optimistic about its potential impact on their future careers and 14% said they are angry. When asked which platforms they spend most of their time on, 59% said Instagram, 55% chose TikTok, 32% voted for Snapchat and 28% selected Facebook. The rest of the votes were split across Discord and X (both 19%), Reddit (18%), and BeReal (8%). Not surprisingly, 65% said they are more tech-obsessed than other generations.

“To me, [what this means for brands] comes down to four things,” says Steven. 

One: Throw out tradition. 

“Your traditional media buys and above-the-line campaigns just won’t cut it moving forward. Brands stuck with c-suites who hold on to the way things are (or should be) will fall out of favour and fail to connect with tomorrow’s consumers.”

Two: Gen z won’t fix our mess. 

“In some way, shape or form, each generation fills in the gaps and cleans up for the generation before them. From the baby boomers' stubborn mindsets to generation X’s openness to change to millennials' ambitious need for success at all costs… to gen z now having to bring ethics and empathy to our culture that is addicted to technology.

“We are seeing a natural progression or de-evolution from a world that believes that technology will save us to a world that believes that an individual and a life well lived defines a successful life. Brands need to understand that the mechanics that hold up our capitalist society are being challenged… and we might just have to imagine new levers that define businesses' success beyond just dollars and cents.”

Three: There is only one planet. 

“No amount of money paid to lobbyists or PR campaigns that downplay the impending doom of our world makes these campaigns resonate with gen z. Science will win in this instance whether you believe in it or not, clearly suggesting that you should consider the impact you make on the world and implement changes to demonstrate your commitment to our planet's future if you plan to win with gen z and beyond.”

Four: AI is more than just the name of a company.

“OpenAI has offered the world a glimpse into technology that has the potential to shift the entire outlook and future of our world. While gen z at a minimum is curious about the technology, the overwhelming majority are hesitant to fully embrace it as a viable plan to evolve our world.

“It’s clear that behind the curtains within the industry, there are very differing points of view and emotions are running high. Gen z is asking the industry to look at the implications of mass adoption from all sides versus letting short-term monetary gains guide our path forward.”

Check out DEPT's report in full here.

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