Released today, a Material World edit of foam Studio’s commercial work for Serviceplan and COVESTRO gives a kaleidoscopic snapshot into the animation studio’s awe-inspiring artistry and research and design.
Created by foam Studio, the film showcases in less than a minute, years of incredible skill in a montage of designs as form and matter melts, bends, layers and rolls, colliding an array of tantalising textures, surfaces and animations. For the director’s cut, the commercial work is adapted into foam Studio’s familiar colour palette as pops of colour contrast set against muted shades.
Reflecting on the project, Henrik Mauler, founder at foam says “We’ve been researching and developing visual assets of form and matter for years, but this was a unique opportunity to extend our expertise, push boundaries and develop new material. Our client Covestro were great to work with. They were completely open-minded and trusted us to lead a journey of exploration and we were all excited with the results.”
The film is available to view on foam’s website here.