Awards and Events in association withCreative Circle

Filter Caps by Ogilvy Colombia Wins the Future Impact Pencil at D&AD 2024

Advertising Agency
Bogotá, Colombia
With a total of 44 Pencils and 52 Shortlists, Ogilvy was named Network of the Year at the 2024 D&AD Awards

At the recent D&AD Awards in London, Ogilvy Colombia's "Filter Caps" received the prestigious Future Impact Pencil. This award is given to early-stage projects that demonstrate the potential to drive behavioural, environmental, social, or policy change through creativity. It also highlights the power and ability to generate a positive and real impact on the community through innovation and creative work.

Gastón Potasz, creative VP of Ogilvy Colombia, commented, "We are very proud to receive the Future Impact Pencil. It is an incentive that motivates us to continue growing with Filter Caps because many people can improve their reality. When we start a creative process, our driving force is enthusiasm, rigour, and efficiency. All of this guided us for almost one year to develop Filter Caps. And the fact of knowing that there are already families in Colombia who are using it fills us with pride. Having two such prestigious partners as Baylor International and the Colombian Red Cross was fundamental. It seems incredible that access to drinking water is a luxury for so many people. I knew that the impact would be very positive, but today I am much more aware of its magnitude and the tremendous reach it will have."

Keka Morelle, CCO of Ogilvy Latina, expressed, "We are happy that Filter Caps has won the Future Impact Award. This represents the power of creativity to solve important problems in our society. Drinking water affects millions of people around the planet, and Filter Caps offers a portable, accessible, and sustainable solution."

For his part, Fabio Quiroga, CEO of Ogilvy Colombia, said, "We are motivated to develop ideas with purpose that impact the world. That is why we are sure that Filter Caps is here to stay, with the mission of reaching every corner of the world. We know the practical value it has to improve vulnerable people's situation, whatever their context. We have already started delivering the 1,000 Filter Caps and want to reach 1 million... and even beyond."

In addition, with a total of 44 Pencils and 52 Shortlists, Ogilvy was named Network of the Year at the 2024 D&AD Awards. This is the first time Ogilvy has won this award at the D&ADs since 2020, reflecting the work of a great team united under the motto "borderless creativity to create an impact on clients and communities across the world."

Work from Ogilvy Colombia
Filter Cups
Colombian Red Cross
Centelsa Energy