In this first-person psychological thriller, you become the captured and tortured prisoner of a merciless madman, experiencing the unimaginable as it unfolds around you in a dark, forgotten place. But in the end, it’s the twist that redefines the film and leaves a lasting impression no viewer will soon forget.
The film brings the psychopathic killer right into your face. The sound was mixed and designed to be as real as possible. Each sound is perfectly placed and mapped to create a frighteningly realistic scene, whichever way your are looking. He may be behind you or right in your face. The spacial head tracking keeps you on the move even when you may not be able to see him, you'll certainly be able to her him.
The official launch of the film is on 27th October at Restoration Station on Shoreditch High Street at 6pm. The full length film will be posted once the film is released.