Directed by Andrea Longacre-White, The Song Is You captivates the viewer with its stalking by proxy. The 13-minute film was coloured by Kaitlyn Battistelli of Ethos Studio and was recently featured in the New Yorker by David Remnick.
The Kafka-esque dream quality of the film ensnares the viewer immediately, weaving a tale of what Writer and Actor Uzoamaka Maduka calls “a simple absurdity in service of a complicated thought or investigation.” The lucidly executed vision follows a self-important couple as an artist assumes a more-than-mere-curiosity type attachment to them, taken with their affluent and glamorous-seeming lives.
Unnerving and politically sharp, the film stays with you as you unpack the layers of social commentary bubbling below the surface. With an unexpected twist in the third act, The Song Is You ends on a somewhat creepy, yet comical note; leaving the viewer feeling as though they may like to stalk these characters a bit longer.
With an expert’s touch, Kaitlyn sets the mood of the film with superb colour, highlighting the well-composed cinematography and charming performances, tying the scenes together effortlessly.
Says Kaitlyn: “When you have the opportunity to work on something as creatively inspired as this short, then you jump on it. The women responsible for this film are nothing short of amazing and I was so honoured to bring my skill set to the completion of their creation.”