
Embracing the Future: Blacklist Leads the Way with AI Integration in Design

Art director Ryan Robinson delves into the influence of AI and generative design

Ryan Robinson leads the design team at Blacklist, with responsibilities spanning print design, 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, design ideation, social media design, and art direction for shoots. In the past year, creative professionals worldwide have been abuzz about the continuous ascent of AI and generative design. Ryan delves into the influence of these trends on Blacklist's operations, shedding light on their seamless integration of AI into their workflow, ensuring their readiness for this cutting-edge mode of work.

Bringing up the topic of AI in the world of design can trigger one of two reactions from designers. First, there are those who can't stop raving about their miraculous creations on DALL·E3 and how Generative Fill has revolutionized their creative lives (RIP clone tool!). On the flip side, there are those who look back with sheer panic etched on their faces. But regardless of where you fall on the AI spectrum, it's a fact that AI has firmly planted its flag in the design landscape, and it's not going anywhere. So, whether you're all in or still coming to terms with it, designers need to hop on the AI bandwagon, whether they like it or not! 

Now, before I dive into things, I should point out that the pace at which AI evolves is mind-boggling. By the time this article sees the light of day, AI may have sprinted even further ahead. And just so you know, I'm not one of those designers who flood LinkedIn with their mind-blowing Midjourney Nike X Louis Vuitton AI creations, causing riots in the comments section. I'm firmly planted in the "wow, this new technology is crazy good and crazy scary" camp. However, unlike some folks who share my astonishment, I'm not burying my head in the sand, pretending AI will magically disappear. I'm a realist, and I've come to terms with the fact that this new way of working is here to stay. Unfortunately, you either embrace it or be left behind.

So, let's chat about AI!

Much like the mixed reactions designers have, the use of AI divides companies and brands across the globe. Some big names in TV, animation, advertising agencies, and movie studios have flat-out banned the use of AI. This could be due to a myriad of concerns, ranging from copyright issues to ethical dilemmas and all the controversies that AI can stir up. And it's not entirely unwarranted. We're in the wild west of AI, where the legalities surrounding generative AI artwork are as clear as mud. There's a palpable fear that using AI-generated content could accidentally infringe on existing intellectual property, leading to costly lawsuits. However, with a touch of common sense, designers can and should harness AI to streamline their workflows, craft mood boards, enhance brainstorming sessions, and future-proof themselves. The future is bound to feature designers and creators who seamlessly integrate AI into their daily processes, just as computers once overhauled traditional design methods. So, where can you safely incorporate AI in your day-to-day design work right now? What should you be learning to keep on top of this ever-changing landscape? No one has a crystal ball, and much of this is guesswork, but I've implemented a few things that I've put into practice here at Blacklist, embracing the future instead of shying away from it! 

Brainstorms and Ideation Sessions

Using your AI image generator of choice, quickly visualizing ideas as and when you think of them has become a game-changer. You want to see a giant monster crashing through Piccadilly Circus for a new AR Anamorphic Billboard? Sorted! What does a dinosaur stomping through an American Diner for an experiential OOH experience to advertise the latest installation of 'American Dinersaurs' look like? Easy! What about Father Christmas riding on an alien spaceship while eating his favourite chocolate bar? Done! By instantly seeing the results of a brainstorm live, this can spur other ideas and take your ideation sessions to places that would have previously taken hours, to collate properly. At Blacklist, we’ve been having weekly ideation sessions which usually revolve around all of us, in one room, on our laptops discussing ideas and sharing generated images into our Slack channel… and the great thing about this way of working is it’s super fun too! 



So you’ve got your mood boards, and the client loves your vision of the 'American Dinersaurs 2: A Second Helping,' temporary experiential build. You’ve used ChatGPT to wow your clients with your funny tagline ('A T-Rexcellent Adventure for the whole family' – the sequel is a light hearted comedy!), and they now want you to create a bit of key art to go with their pop-up diner in Waterloo train station to support the campaign. This is where you can hone in on your existing mood board to create some initial key art tests. Now, this is where the legal grey area comes in. This is still the ideation phase of the brief, and as we aren’t 100% sure any content generated isn’t a copy of an existing brand or IP, this work shouldn’t be used as a final bit of artwork - something that should be made clear to the client. But what this does do is instantly create a variety of key art routes that the client could potentially like. Yes, they aren’t perfect. Yes, the dinosaurs have five legs and the title treatment is nonsense, but you’ve got the basis of an idea. From this, you can then start sketching, painting, compositing, and mocking up the idea with the characters from the show. Tweak and play around with the colour palette, composition, and layout - just as you would without AI… but you now have super accurate reference images to support your rough, giving the client an idea of what the finished product could potentially look like - and speeding up the process drastically! 

Utilising Adobe's New AI Features

Finally, the client has an approved mock-up, and they want you to turn your sketches into more refined and finished concepts! Also good news - the pop-up bar experience has been approved, everyone is happy, and now you need to deliver all the print-ready assets - success! But the advantages of AI don’t stop here - there are still some designers out there that aren’t utilising Adobe’s new AI features. You grab some sky from Adobe Stock, but it’s cropped in the wrong place - Generative Expand it. You want a nice tasteful bit of out-of-focus shrubbery in the foreground - with a couple of prompts and a bit of trial and error, it’s there! You may still need to fine-tune your generated content, but it’s so much quicker than sourcing your own perfect bush from a stock website - and the ever-growing list of AI integration with Adobe is expanding. For motion designers, the new AI roto feature will cut down hours… if not days of time, and Illustrator can now generate vector assets. Learn them. Teach yourself these new ways of working. Put yourself out of your comfort zone. As a designer in a rapidly changing industry - don’t get left behind… because at the end of the day if you’re not using these new features, another designer will - and they will be able to create the next 'American Dinersaurs 3: Jurassic Bites' 360 campaign (key art/launch trailer/out-of-home/experiential, etc.) at twice the speed, turning around mood boards, mock-ups, artwork, and final assets quicker, while maintaining quality - and with everyone else around the globe working in the same way, the expectation from clients is going to grow too.   

Just to end on a note. I’m very aware we are right in the middle of this AI shake up and the reality is if you’re not reading this right now (end of 2023) then this article might have aged like milk. Nobody knows for certain what’s going to happen with AI in the creative world. We can only go with what we know - and the safest bet for you, as a designer, right now… whether you’re an illustrator, animator, print designer, motion designer, art director or intern, is to jump on board and embrace it.

What's the worst that could happen? If AI were to suddenly face global restrictions, things would continue as usual. But if AI continues to progress and the legal framework becomes clearer with new regulations that allow designers and creatives to use AI without the fear of copyright infringement, you'll be well-prepared to thrive as a designer… because the harsh reality is if you’re worried that AI will take your job in the future - it probably will. 

Evolve or Die. 

Which ironically is the tagline for American Dinersaurs 4!

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