DreamWorks Animation (Creators of Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda) Presenting In The RoadShow Webinar Series January 25th!
Don’t miss the next RoadShow Webinar featuring DreamWorks Animation, home of beloved franchises like Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda and a world leader in CG animation, delivering great entertainment for the whole family.
This webinar will feature an introduction of DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming slate for 2012-2013, as well as opportunities around its billion dollar franchises, including theatrical, TV and live show tie-ins that create strong consumer engagement and help sales for key promotion periods.
Tune-in on Wednesday, January 25th to learn about DreamWorks Animation's upcoming opportunities and to connect family-friendly entertainment for your brand!
The RoadShow Webinar series is hosted by The L.A. Office and features property reviews from entertainment companies seeking promotional partners. All live webinars are free to watch with a free, basic membership. Sign up today at
Starts: Wednesday January 25, 2012, 11:00AM PST
If you missed one of our recent webinars, catch them for free by visiting our webinars on-demand.
http://www.laofficelounge.com/go/roadshow/freeviewer. Subscribe to "Entertainment Update," The L.A. Office's weekly Entertainment Marketing Newsletter and
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