Camp Lucky is excited to be a part of the team behind HGTV’s new series Home In A Heartbeat. Produced by Rabbit Foot Entertainment, the show features host Galey Alix – Wall Street executive, DIY home renovation expert, interior designer, and viral content creator whose design transformations have earned her a social media following of over 4.5 million people around the world. As the show’s post production partner, Camp Lucky provided editing, sound mixing, and colour. Additionally, Camp Lucky was also able to flex its creative muscles by branding all of the show’s graphics and custom room animations for each episode’s design plan.
As a finance executive and the CEO of her own company, Galey Alix Design, she works her full-time finance job during the week and transforms homes on the weekends. Pulling her home projects off in just 72 hours takes months of planning, late nights and an enormous amount of grit — but to Galey, these designs make all the difference in her clients’ lives, and it’s so worth it. Galey surprises families with new environments that transform more than living space in Home in A Heartbeat.