Did you know that Booking.com has more vacation rental listings than any other travel company? With already over 6.4 million vacation rentals listings on Booking.com, the world’s biggest travel company has delivered over 1 billion vacation rental guest arrivals to partners or what other travel platforms call “hosts.”
Alternative accommodations (non-hotels) is the fastest growing accommodation segment and there is a huge opportunity for vacation rental partners to list their property with Booking.com. Over 40% of new vacation rental listings on Booking.com get their first booking within a week and over 2 billion vacation rental nights have been reserved on the platform, resulting in a lot of “happy hosts” that the brand is bringing to light in a new ad campaign from MullenLowe Profero London - 'Think Bigger, Think Booking.com'.
While vacation rental partners may initially list their properties with other travel platforms, Booking.com’s new campaign aims to show how they can boost their bookings and grow their business by adding the world’s biggest travel company to their repertoire via list.booking.com. For Booking.com’s vacation rental partners, commerciality is key and that’s what the brand has to offer - a proven track record of delivering guests and ultimately more income to partners.
The “Think Bigger, Think Booking.com” campaign will include digital out-of-home, programmatic, print ads in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal as well as targeted digital takeovers of select newspapers (homepage, app, etc.).
What else sets Booking.com apart from other travel sites, better positioning the brand to send more business to partners?
● A global expert in digital marketing, Booking.com’s sophisticated, multilingual digital marketing expertise drives significant domestic and international traffic to the site, and ultimately property listings.
● Booking.com is the most downloaded online travel app in the world and the #3 travel app globally (behind Google Maps and Uber), with over 100 million monthly active app users.
● All vacation rentals on Booking.com are instantly bookable. Partners don’t need to go back and forth with guests and spend several hours or days negotiating the details of a stay.
● Booking.com translates each property listing into 44 languages and dialects to attract even more potential guests.
● Just as Booking.com innovates products and services to meet traveler / guest needs, the brand does the same for partners. Upcoming product offerings for vacation rental partners that will launch in the coming months include an enhanced payment process, reassurance / peace of mind solutions (insurance, damage deposits, etc.), and more.