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Blackweek Presents: Seven for Seven with Adan Romero

An exclusive Q&A series with the seven founders of newly launched conference Blackweek continues with the EVP and ECD at Razorfish

Seven for Seven is a new profile series hosted on Little Black Book with the founders of Blackweek, a new economic forum and marketing conference coming to NYC October 15-18th.

Seven questions that dive into the minds behind the economic forum, and what’s in store. A little bit about them, a little bit about Blackweek, and a lot for everyone to think about.

The series continues with Adan Romero, EVP and ECD at Razorfish.

1. What did you want to be when you were 7?

Adan> When I was a kid I wanted to be fireman or a garbage man. They both got to hang off the back of a truck for a living and it looked like freedom from a kids POV.

2. An example of someone throwing a line back to you in your career?

Adan> I have been fortunate enough to have many people throw a line back at me and pulled me up with them as they moved up. You hear a lot of stories of talented individuals being used up and thrown to the side for the benefit of their “leaders” but that wasn’t the case for me. Today I try to be the type of leader that I was fortunate enough to have. Today I have people like my BLACKWEEK week cofounders who inspire me daily by their own individual spirit.

3. Words to live by?

Adan> A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. From speaking up for what’s right to sharing your own story, you, and those around you will benefit from being present and being seen.

4. What made you get involved with Blackweek?

Adan> See my answer above.

5. What aren’t people talking about? What aren’t they saying out loud?

Adan> I think we are saying it all out loud but actions are slow to follow

6. Who can benefit most from attending Blackweek? Who needs to go?

Adan> Brand gatekeepers. If you don’t open your eyes and take in how fast culture/society is evolving, you’ll  get left behind.

7. Where’s your industry a year from now?

Adan> The industry has been slow to change and for the most part has forced and rewarded individuals for being stagnant and cautious. I want to see more Black and Brown voices in true position of power and not just being used to 'show' progress. This is going to be a pivotal year because more voices are feeling the frustration and speaking out. DEI is going to be more important than ever, and inclusivity is going have the biggest impact on client and agencies alike.

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