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5 Questions with Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness: Maryna Grygorenko

Advertising Agency
Kyiv, Ukraine
Zenith Ukraine's managing director on challenging moments, the magic of passion and taking care of yourself

As part of Publicis Groupe Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)’s 'Embrace Gender Equity' initiative that was launched during this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, the company created a special series 'Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness' designed to showcase and spotlight its many female talent and leaders across the CEE region, celebrating their experiences and important roles they play within the company. Get to know the Publicis Groupe CEE Lionesses through their stories in this series.

1. Can you share your story with us, how have you gotten to where you are today in your profession?

Maryna> I studied communication technologies and information analytical approaches at the International Information department at the National University of Ukraine. The blend of creativity with information and math accuracy fuelled my passion and ambition to move forward into the advertising world. 

My start in the industry began at one of the international media agencies more than 20 years ago when newspapers were regarded as the main source of information. I joined the account management team and then went on to develop research and media strategy for different brands and clients.

Along with the digital revolution came the game changing moment. Digital changed our lifestyle, the media agencies’ business, and my career path – I joined a digital agency as a strategy director where I drove solutions for clients with media and digital innovation.  

In 2014, my diverse media journey led me to Zenith as digital director. It was an exciting moment in digital disruption, learning and undertaking digital transformation for business and the team at a breakneck pace.  Soon after, I was offered the position of managing director of the agency, a position that I’m always grateful for. Especially for the amazing journey I’ve been on for the past six years - with all the challenges and opportunities, with the passionate and unstoppable Zenith team and with every step change to win ahead.

2. What has been your most memorable experience in your career so far?

Maryna> There have been many exceptional projects and challenges at every stage of my career path. All of them reminded me that diving into something is always scary but enormously interesting.

I remember very well the moment when I took on the role as managing director, and the top two clients of the agency (critical to the agency’s survival), decided to call pitches for their businesses simultaneously. This was literally a battle for existence as more than 60% of our business was at risk at the same time. That was a very long and challenging six months, but certainly a very precious experience that changed everyone and everything. None of the business trainings could bring out such an effect in team motivation, collaborative spirit, negotiations, emotional connection, as well as risk management. At the end of the day, we won and retained our partnership with the clients, a strong testament to their confidence in us, the power of ONE team.  

Truly, the team and our achievement together are the most precious and what I am most proud of.   

3. Similarly, what was the most challenging moment and how did you overcome it?

Maryna> In trying to identify one such challenging moment, I can only say that there are lots of them which were each perceived as the biggest challenge at the given moment. They could be:

- the start of a new role with a huge responsibility about business and team (will I succeed?)

- the pandemic and lockdowns (how to transform work in a new remote world without team energy in the room?)

-  the war reality we are going through now (many existential questions appeared after 24th Feb 2022 about the value of life and the future of business and ad industry, the concept of war-life balance).  

Each time, when faced with these moments, it inevitably feels like the biggest challenge to overcome - the key thing is to stay focused and keep going ahead no matter what.

I am convinced that the uncertainty of future will bring other challenges. But one thing I am certain of is that we need to be resilient to any of the future disruptions - to motivate and inspire even during dark times, to think creatively and find opportunity in every crisis, to be a problem-solver when others can’t be.

4. What are your most important tips on achieving success?

Maryna> Having passion for your profession brings ‘magic’ and provides unbelievable energy and resource for your path to success. There is no big secret – do what makes you happy. You have no chance to grow without motivation.

Success cannot be gifted, it can be only achieved – step by step, with all the uncomfortable aspects, and millions of efforts (if effort can be quantified) to make a masterpiece.

Your own experience is the best coach you can have. Openness to new challenges even when you feel scared is the winning rule to grow your capabilities and make you better than before. As Nelson Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it's done”.

Lifelong learning helps to adapt to uncertain changes. Continuous learning helps you to innovate, derive new ideas and explore new opportunities along the way.

Listening to your team and partners especially if they have different points of view. Even the strongest player cannot win on its own.

5. What are your tips for younger female talent embarking on the journey you’re already on?

Maryna> If you honestly believe in the path you choose - no matter how difficult it gets, you should never give up.

Focus on the development of your strengths (not your weaknesses) to build a successful career.

Have a clear set of values that you live by, be a role model who motivates people around you. And, be the force to drive collaborative, kind, and thoughtful leadership.

Work on your resilience to overcome stress so you can be strong, maybe even stronger than before.

Take care of yourself. Work hard at any roles you choose; celebrate all the wins you achieve. All means nothing if you are not healthy, happy, and balanced. 

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