5 minutes with... in association withAdobe Firefly

5 Minutes with… Charlie Godinet

Advertising Agency
Auckland, New Zealand
Daylight’s ECD on embracing his differences, and the importance of sitting with an idea
Growing up, Charlie was surrounded by the impact that advertising can have on people. His mother was a market researcher, and together as a family they would discuss the ads they saw on television. 

Following his passion for graphic design, Charlie continued down the advertising path and studied a bachelor of communications, advertising creativity at the University of Auckland. 

He started his professional career at the New Zealand creative agency Sugar, before moving to McCann Worldwide. Charlie continued to work as an art director for multiple agencies, including .99, Saatchi & Saatchi NZ, and Colenso BBDO. 

In July 2021, he moved to Daylight as their creative director before becoming their ECD in 2023. During his time at Daylight, Charlie has worked on brands such as Pacific Media Network, Red Frogs Australia, Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge and World Health Organization.

LBB’s Casey Martin spoke to Charlie about his role at Daylight’s ‘creative hype man.’ 

LBB> First, what attracted you to the industry and why have you chosen to stay? 

Charlie> Some families muted the telly ads growing up, but we discussed them. My Mum is a market researcher, and as kids she would ask our thoughts on the spots during the breaks. So, I was always cognisant of the industry in that way. And then, in high school, I fell in love with graphic design, spending all my time in the art lab in my last years there. Getting into advertising was just a natural progression of that.

I've stayed in it because there’s always another problem to solve. A new challenge that demands a different approach. It’s addictive. 

LBB> What does being an ECD mean to you? How do you use your skills to enhance the creativity of Daylight? 

Charlie> When rappers perform at their best, there's always a great hype person with them. I kind of see my role like that - a creative hype man. I’m here to get excited about ideas. If everyone in the business is hyped on something, then it stands a good chance of being great. And achieving even better results. 

Part of that is being available to fully support my team and jump in where needed. I was lucky enough to be raised by creative leaders at Colenso & Saatchi, who did the same. They got stuck in at every stage, and were with you all the way to the show. I really value that.

LBB> What is a lesson that you’ve learnt that you continue to come back to or share with others? 

Charlie> Learning to sit with an idea. I’ve definitely been guilty of chasing something shiny, only to realise what’s under the hood isn’t right. That’s why I still advocate for putting our thinking up on a wall. That way, you can live with it for a while and build time within the job to return to it. If it’s a great idea, it’ll still be great when you return. And if it’s not, go again.

LBB> What does creativity mean to you? 

Charlie> To me creativity is a process, an act, a state. You’re in it; you're doing it. You're solving problems on the fly and finding solutions no matter how left field. When I cook, I love to challenge myself to make something delicious from whatever is left in my pantry or fridge. The dish at the end isn’t necessarily the creative bit; it’s how it was made.

LBB> In your experience, what continues to stay the same despite the ebb and flow of trends? 

Charlie> This answer is probably as cliché as they come, but insight always wins. It’s the foundation of everything we do, and that will never change. As culture and technology evolve, so do our lives - revealing insights that haven't been tapped into yet. New truths to play with and explore. That’s the exciting bit, I reckon. 

LBB> How have you seen the industry change over the years? 

Charlie> I’m loving the industry's embrace of what’s right rather than what a traditional media schedule dictates. A spot and three billboards might still be a great solution in some cases, but what the problem requires often doesn’t take that shape. The answer might not even be an ad; it could be infrastructure or a product. It’s definitely an ethos we champion here at Daylight, and it’s awesome to see so many of our partners thinking that way too.

LBB> How do you foster your own creativity and the creativity of your teams? 

Charlie> By staying curious about the world. I’m a YouTube junkie and hooked on podcasts - they’re the perfect medium for me since I’m dyslexic and don’t absorb large amounts of text easily. I’m also surrounded by lots of interesting people in my life, so any excuse for a glass of wine and a yarn always replenishes the inspiration stocks.

As for fostering creativity within Daylight, we are all about encouraging continuous learning and experimentation.  Our team is amazing at upskilling; we’ve had people go off and learn new software, take courses in different disciplines, and introduce their hobbies into work life. I just try to make sure everyone has the space and time to test their new fixations out.

LBB> If you could go back in time to Charlie who had just graduated, what would you say to him? 

Charlie> I’d tell him not to box himself in because of his dyslexia. When I started out in the industry,  I gravitated to art and design because everyone, including myself, assumed I was shit with words. But over time, I’ve realised that I actually can write, and I enjoy it too. My process is just different. I need to hear things out loud - until they sound right. Which is how I write scripts, and crack the narrative to presentations. It’s been a meaningful discovery. So I’d tell him, ‘Don’t let dyslexia define your limits. It’s what gives you a unique perspective; embrace it.’  Oh, and do some core workouts - the old back ain’t what it used to be.
Work from Daylight
Paper Podcasts
The Spinoff
Sustainable Seas
The Delivery
LBB’s Global Sponsor