Trocaire - Losing Everything
Post Production
Dublin, Ireland
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
This commercial is a sound design heavy piece which required crafting
to making the scene feel as realistic as possible in order to convey the
impact of what was happening on screen. The idea was to make the
scene real, as these are real scenarios that play out every day. I think
we have achieved the reality we were aiming for.
Firstly, the only audio from the location used was a few snippets of
dialogue, which were tightly edited to remove everything else, other than
dialogue. After this, over 200 tracks of sound design, SFX and foley
were laid to create the soundscapes.
We have a tender family moment at the beginning of the commercial,
which dramatically becomes a war zone. Through SFX, mixing, and
editing, we created an uncomfortable scene where there’s hearing loss,
but chaos can still be heard from the mothers perspective. I recorded
location sounds here like my car alarm from a distance to give the sense
of a world in turmoil outside. I made everything internal, like the bullets, etc as the woman is temporarily deaf.
The second scene is of bulldozers destroying a village, uprooting
people. Here, I wanted the machines to be brutal to convey the
harshness of peoples lives being crushed. The third scene, in contrast, is
layers of dialogue and children screaming to make for uncomfortable
listening to a woman being separated from her children.