Donate Siren
Advertising Agency
Mexico City, Mexico
Agency / Creative

In Mexico, outdoor advertising is still one of the most effective mass media to reach the population.It is also a pretty expensive one. For organizations like Red Cross such investment could literallytake away from saving more lives.For years smaller businesses have used "Perifoneo" to reach audiences out of home, it consists ofloud speakers attached to vehicles going across town, announcing products offers and services.Red Cross took this cultural insight as inspiration to activate their largest network of owned vehicles,their ambulances. And turned their sirens into a "perifoneo" media to remind Mexicans daily to donate.In Mexico, the Red Cross is the fi rst responder during natural disasters, car crashes, andpandemics, but to attend to emergencies, they rely on donations from people because they are anon-governmental humanitarian assistance organization. There are no other healthcare institutionsin the country that operate with funding coming from people's will.There is a belief that donating just once is enough to help, but the reality is that, in order for the RedCross to continue operating, it needs donations on a constant basis. That's why they need to keepspreading the same call to donation message all across the country throughout the entire year.To reach a wider audience and get the funding they need, they need mass media, but every pennyspent is a penny needed to save lives. The objective is to get more donations with no budget.

The Red Cross turned to the largest and loudest outdoor media network, one they own:Ambulances. Inspired by a technique called "perifoneo" in Spanish, which is a type of sound-ledadvertisement very common in Mexico, consisting of a sound system mounted on a vehicle thatbroadcasts a message on several streets through a speaker.Slightly modifying one of the authorized siren modes to say “dona” the Spanish word for “Donate”and still alert keeping within Mexican laws and regulations. No other healthcare entity operates withdonations, making this siren call exclusive to Mexican Red Cross.With more than 448 owned ambulances, with a sound reach of 700 feet each, running 24/7 andcovering the 32 states of Mexico. Running 24/7 and covering the 32 states of Mexico. We created anew media with nationwide reach staying within the emergencies budget.

If you ask a Mexican how to donate to the Red Cross, they know; A product of years ofcommunication. The real challenge and objective is reminding Mexicans to do so, often.The barrier of not having a media budget assigned, mostly because 95% of fundings goes foremergencies, was enormous to overcome given our objective. How to create a daily presence thatwould catch their attention and encourage them to make donations to support the Red Crossoperation?Using our own ambulances that are constantly attending to emergencies and moving all around thecountry was the solution.We built a plan to fully equip each ambulance, resulting in a new audio-led OOH medium thatreaches practically the entire country, delivering the message to millions of people at a moment theyare already connecting to the Red Cross.

The fi rst step was to verify that the siren's audio could be modifi ed to include the call to action todonate. This step was straightforward and solved with RCA inputs on the audio system. Afterconducting a pilot test in three of the main cities in Mexico to verify the reliability of the project, weobserved the incredible mobilization on the part of donors.This led us to decide to scale it up to the 448 ambulances that simultaneously circulate in the 32states of Mexico to generate the full coverage needed for this situation. Initially, the plan was to beactive for three months. However, due to the incredible results in donations, the Mexican Red Crossdecided to turn this innovation into a brand asset to activate it whenever needed during the year.

448 ambulances used as a media channel (largest number of ambulances fl eet in Mexico) generatein three months:• 5.9 billion outdoor impact• With an estimated cost of +2.5 M USD in outdoor advertising• All within the emergencies budget.• Zero media budget• +24% donors vs last year• +39% donations vs last year• Average individual donation increased by 20%• 6.8 USD Million (+39% vs 2021)The Red Cross turned to the largest and loudest outdoor media network, one they own:Ambulances. Inspired by a technique called "perifoneo" in Spanish, which is a type of sound-ledadvertisement very common in Mexico, consisting of a sound system mounted on a vehicle thatbroadcasts a message on several streets through a speaker.Slightly modifying one of the authorized siren modes to say “dona” the Spanish word for “Donate”and still alert keeping within Mexican laws and regulations. No other healthcare entity operates withdonations, making this siren call exclusive to the Red Cross.

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