The film tells the story of a young guy living in downtown LA shackled to his phone and the constant, never ending demands of incoming messages. In an attempt to ‘rescue’ her brother from the merry-go-round of being online 24 hours a day, his sister insists he take a road-trip with her to re-find himself.
One of the over-riding emotions we kept coming back to was a sense of liberation and the music growing and awakening – mirroring the freedom the lead character gains by switching the phone off and getting off the grid.
To do this, we handbuilt instruments that would provide the organic ‘back to basics’ sort of feel we were looking for -the idea of the music being a modern ‘players in a room’ vibe, not samples on a computer. Percussion from on an old shower tray, vintage wooden apple crates, a felt-backed chair, alongside the use of and a Bolivian charango amongst other unusual instrumentation choices. We also added size and drive, to echo the motorbikes facilitating the freedom, via the use of big electric guitar parts in drop-D tuning, recorded through our lovely 1966 Westwood National amplifier.