The Matriarch
Advertising Agency
Cape Town, South Africa
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

‘The Matriarch’ shines a light on a cultural reality that is often overlooked in South Africa, and even across the world. Parents move to more major cities in order to earn money to provide a better future for their families back at home. In this story, we shine a light on this people-shaped reason for needing a loan and how that little loan can make a big difference to one's story and help to create a better future.

Stories like these help to destigmatize the loan category, which often comes with a lot of judgment from those in better off circumstances. For some, it isn't an option. We want people to understand that needing help, especially from an institution that champions responsible lending, isn't something to be ashamed of. It can be empowering and transformational when used correctly.

We decided to make the lead character a domestic worker as they're often thought of as the backbone of South African households. They raise their own families and provide for their own homes whilst helping to raise the families of the more fortunate.

The song choice of 'Thula baba, Thula sana' also plays a huge role in the story. It translates to 'quiet my child, quiet my baby' and was traditionally sung to the children of parents who were forced to go work in the mines during Apartheid South Africa. It was meant to reassure the child that soon, their parent(s) will return. The Matriarch sings this to her boy in the beginning of the film, and again at the end. The significance of this is that 'baba' also means 'father' in South Africa. She still sings it to her boy, even though he is now a man.

All the work and all the sacrifices she made throughout his life has put him in a position where he can now provide for his family, without having to make those sacrifices that she did.