Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

​The generation of nowadays that faces employment and social uncertainty... is characterized by its attitude towards life and its way of understanding and relating to the world. They are flexible and changeable when facing circumstances, they do not stick to a single way of life, to the same job ... 

Their way of relating to banks has changed, according to new technology and new ways of life. ING responds to new demands and needs. 

The Great Resignation is making headlines around the world. Young people, who have only known times of economic and job uncertainties, are dissatisfied with their pay, jobs and prospects. Jobs no longer last forever, nor do vocations. And this is compounded by the possibilities for change that the digital age gives them. They are the nomads of the 21st century, and of course they are practically immune to advertising impacts and anything that smells artificial.  

That's why we thought of making an absolutely real content, a documentary created by a real nomad: Ingrid García-Jonsson, actress, filmmaker and collaborator of La Resistencia, a culturate program in this generation. Ingrid directs the documentary NÓMADAS, offering her particular vision and bringing us closer to the reality of young people in a creative and genuine way. An author's piece, real, dynamic, and innovative to offer her vision and bring us closer to this reality, which has nothing to do with an advertising piece. But it introduced society to the concept of the campaign to launch ING's new product, the Non-Account Account. 

Advertising not advertising... from a Non-Bank Bank.